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  1. USMC1981


    Our little girls are too -but they are still tiny
  2. USMC1981

    US [WTS] Red eyed crocodile skink $100

    Pretty cool. Looks like a dragon
  3. USMC1981

    How to make my chameleon warm up to me?

    Food makes the heart grow fonder
  4. USMC1981


    Looks like now you can make two cages!
  5. USMC1981

    Mood pics

    Yes - brother lost a whole pond to a heron.
  6. USMC1981

    October 2019 Photo Contest

  7. USMC1981


    Thats a good idea with cabinet. Saves a lot of finishing. Either is good solition
  8. USMC1981

    Do crickets and roaches need to cool down at night?

    Your thermostat must be exhausted. We still hear crickets outside, but lowest temps have gotten is 40 so far
  9. USMC1981

    October 2019 Photo Contest

    How do you vote
  10. USMC1981

    Dehydration/mouth rot?

    Can also use bendy vine poked through sides. Dont use a huge box
  11. USMC1981

    Dehydration/mouth rot?

    dont use tape on the box
  12. USMC1981


    Oh and choose your own size obviously
  13. USMC1981


    you can choose your own materials that way. Wood, screen, hinges, screws.
  14. USMC1981


    Build your own - it is easier than you think for the basic construction. Home Depot will even cut rhe wood for you if you supply measurements.
  15. USMC1981

    Do crickets and roaches need to cool down at night?

    Depends on where they are from but temps usually drop at least a few degrees no matter where you are in world
  16. USMC1981

    Mood pics

    WOW. Had no idea fishfood was that expensive. I know the fish can be expensive but never imagined that their food is
  17. USMC1981

    Bee pollen and spirulina

  18. USMC1981

    Josh's Frogs Ordering Issues

    Ive never had an issue with Josh’s Frogs. Only one issue with rainbow but they were quick to correct it.
  19. USMC1981

    Let me see them toes girl!

    The blood of his enemies still drips from his manly claws
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