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  1. S

    Mist King question

    Hey everyone, I'm looking to get a Mist King setup for my veiled chameleon. I'm just tired of hand misting a few times a day, and I want to be able to leave for a couple days without worrying. My chameleon is in a Reptarium enclosure (I belive it's the 175 gallon? It's about 4 feet tall, 3...
  2. S

    The Friendliest Chameleon Ever!

    First off, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! I guess this isn't typical at all, but my male veiled is REALLY friendly. When I come over to the cage and open it, he hangs himself off his basking branch and practically throws himself at my hand. Then he crawls up to my shoulder and hangs out while I clean or...
  3. S

    Bob decided he is done with crickets?

    Hmm... He's still not into the crickets. He's eaten some veggies, and he still reacts instantly when he sees a worm. Would it be a good idea to give him just one or two worms a day, kindof to keep him from starving but keep him hungry and maybe entice him back to crickets? Or should I just stop...
  4. S

    Bob decided he is done with crickets?

    Hey again, So the day after posting my "Meet Bob the Chameleon" thread Bob decided he wants nothing to do with crickets anymore, but he is all over the superworms as soon as he sees them. Whats the best way to get him interested in the crickets again? All that is available at the stores here...
  5. S

    Meet Bob the chameleon

    I'm not really sure how old he is? He's 12" from nose to tip of tail. Any guesses?
  6. S

    Meet Bob the chameleon

    Hey again. I live in San Luis Obispo, CA. The thing is, we don't really use the heater in our house because we are poor college students and the insulation in the house is so bad it wastes a LOT of heat. This time of year the house temp drops down to the high 50's or low 60's at times (right now...
  7. S

    Meet Bob the chameleon

    Hey everyone. First time chameleon owner here. Just thought I'd post up a picture of Bob and a picture of his home to see what you guys think. He seems very healthy to me. I'm not sure how old he is (clueless shop people), but he was about 6" from his nose to the tip of his tail when we got him...
  8. S

    Eating leaves?

    I noticed my juv veiled chameleon trying to eat the little plastic "shoot" of fresh growth in the middle of a fake plastic plant. I put a wad of lettuce on top of the little shoot, and within 5 minutes he cruised over and munched it all down. It was pretty funny to see!
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