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  1. J

    My chameleon is weak

    Unfortunately its just me but Ill try and do that by myself, then use my other hand to hold her mouth open. Thanks for the tip!
  2. J

    My chameleon is weak

    Also, on a side note, I didn’t think anyone was being rude..I just don’t appreciate people assuming things about me when they don’t know me. Ive read the care sheets numerous times. Ive googled tons of different info on chameleons, the problem is that some of the info contradicts the other info...
  3. J

    My chameleon is weak

    I just wanted to ask for two things. Today I started her on liquid food, calcium and antibiotics from the vet. I have to force her to take all of them but I’m having trouble getting her mouth open...does anyone have any tips for getting her to open her mouth? I’m scared of breaking her jaw or...
  4. J

    My chameleon is weak

    We just got back from the vet. She was given some shots and I was told to feed her with syringes for a while, and give her anti biotics. Pray everything goes well!
  5. J

    My chameleon is weak

    This is the multivitamins I give her
  6. J

    My chameleon is weak

    Thanks jacksjill. I’ll try the shower method. I’m still waiting on an answer to one of my questions though..can I add vitamins and calcium to her spray bottle and mist her with it?? Or will that not help?
  7. J

    My chameleon is weak

    I’ll book a vet appointment ASAP. For a vet visit like this, what kind of cost am I looking at? Also, not to be defensive, but I did a fair amount of research on chameleons before I bought one. I never saw anything about not being able to add vitamins and calcium into gut load, I was actually...
  8. J

    My chameleon is weak

    I’m not sure what D3 is... I’m wondering, if she’s still hunting and it appears that crickets I put in the tank are disappearing, is a vet still necessary? I’m not against taking her, I just don’t want to put out 500 dollars to find out she needs more water. If its more than just lack of...
  9. J

    My chameleon is weak

    Any idea how much a vet appointment for this will cost?
  10. J

    My chameleon is weak

    I figured it was dehydration...Any way I can handle her dehydration level without a vet? Her poop looks normal, she has fake leaves and branches in her enclosure. She has a heat lamp and the other kind of bulb she needs. I give her exoterra multivitamins and calcium powder in gut load that i...
  11. J

    My chameleon is weak

    I don’t think the first picture posted so here’s another
  12. J

    My chameleon is weak

    yesterday I went to hand feed my chameleon a cricket and when she shot her tongue out she missed and hit my finger. I noticed that she couldn’t pull her tongue back in after. She had to basically push her face into a leaf to force it back into her mouth. I tried with another cricket and the same...
  13. J

    Dropping tongue out of mouth

    For some reason I cant find a way to make a post of my own for my problem but I’m having a tongue issue and this seemed like the best thread to check. I really hope someone can help me... I bought crickets today for my year old, female veiled chameleon. I went to hand feed her one and when her...
  14. J

    Weird behavior in my chameleon

    Tank and chameleon
  15. J

    Weird behavior in my chameleon

    I do have a taller enclosure, I had her in it originally but she wouldn’t eat in it so I down sized. I’ll be upgrading again in a month or 2 I think. On a side note from my concern, can you recommend ANY substitute for having to physically water her? I work 12 hour days so I can’t do it on a...
  16. J

    Weird behavior in my chameleon

    Kinyonga, it’s all the same to me, it’s not an aquarium though. My chameleon is a female veiled, she’s 7-8 months old and I’ve had her for about 6-7 months. I handle her on average, about 3 times every 2 weeks, she’s normally pretty tame. I feed her crickets, and recently started feeding...
  17. J

    Weird behavior in my chameleon

    Not sure what the ask for help form is, but my chameleon is a about 7-8 months old, her tank is about 2 feet tall, 1.5 feet wide and 2-2.5 feet deep. Full of drift wood, fake vines, fake plants, etc near the bottom and middle of the tank with clear spots for basking at the top. Two individual...
  18. J

    Weird behavior in my chameleon

    So last night I was changing my chameleons water dish that her dripper plant sits in. She was sleeping, and as I put it back in her enclosure she fell off her branch about a foot and a half. I reached in to pick her up and see if she was ok, she sat on my finger and seemed calm, but after a few...
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