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  1. seattletrempe

    New Owner to a Male Jackson's Chameleon

    Oh that makes sense, I saw that they will often turn one side light and the other dark to balance the absorption and loss of heat I just didn't know that that happens when they are a good temperature. I guess I just assumed that they did this when they don't have enough and are tying to obtain more.
  2. seattletrempe

    New Owner to a Male Jackson's Chameleon

    Oh that is awesome! Exactly what I need! Thank you so much! Everyone have been so helpful, I am so grateful!
  3. seattletrempe

    New Owner to a Male Jackson's Chameleon

    Heres an update of him before and after I changed the substrate and took the tin foil off the top. Does anyone know why would he change colors like this?
  4. seattletrempe

    New Owner to a Male Jackson's Chameleon

    Honestly, on my adoption papers and from what everybody in the store told me, he is sixteen weeks old. It is possible that this is inaccurate as I'm pretty sure they got this information from the company they bought him from which is "Vista Pet." I didn't really think much about it until...
  5. seattletrempe

    New Owner to a Male Jackson's Chameleon

    I removed the bark and put in "Eco Earth: loose coconut fiber substrate." last night. He doesn't really seem to like it all that much and has been a bit darker than usual but it might not be from the substrate. I would rather just take out the moss vine as opposed to leaving it in and taking my...
  6. seattletrempe

    New Owner to a Male Jackson's Chameleon

    Thank you so much for the advice! When I first got him he was completely black, (most likely stressed from the transition) but since the temperature underneath the light was hovering around 70 degrees I assumed he must be too cold. I was absolutely terrified he was going to get too cold, fall...
  7. seattletrempe

    New Owner to a Male Jackson's Chameleon

    sorry I just realized that, he is 16 weeks.
  8. seattletrempe

    New Owner to a Male Jackson's Chameleon

    Good to know and thank you for the website! Ive been so tentative to spray him because when he gets wet he turns black I didn't want to stress him out. I would much rather him get a little angry through if its going to help him stay healthy. I am going to remove the tin foil I have covering the...
  9. seattletrempe

    New Owner to a Male Jackson's Chameleon

    Okay awesome! I originally had a different ground covering in there but a lady at a reptile store recommended this. I read online that a lot of the little guys like to chew things so I was a bit tentative but she said it was best for keeping humidity. I will take it out tonight! The black light...
  10. seattletrempe

    New Owner to a Male Jackson's Chameleon

    Hi everyone! My name is Seattle and I recently bought a fourteen month old Jackson's Chameleon. I had my eye on him for a while and after three weeks of preparation I finally took him home. I have had him for about two and a half weeks. He is roughly 16 weeks old I am so in love with him and I...
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