Search results

  1. drj5600

    Cleaning/Sanitizing Enclosure & Passing of our girl, Karma

    Hey guys - just wanted to hop on here and get some helpful advice. Our female Jackson's passed recently and I am now left with a fully branched, plant-filled XL Reptibreeze enclosure. I have a juvenile female veiled that I was actually needing to upgrade to a larger habitat and I would love to...
  2. drj5600

    Bee pollen & Spirulina Gutload

    I am interested to hear how people are using spirulina and bee pollen in their gutloads. Are you adding it to a pre-made commercial gutload or making your own? Other than spirulina and bee pollen, are you adding any other powdered goodies? Thanks in advance!!
  3. drj5600

    New Rescue

    Alright guys, I did what every animal lover shouldn't do and I went to the animal/reptile section of the pet store while buying dog food and was heartbroken by what I saw - a teeeeeeeny, tiiiiiiiiiny veiled cham looking more pitiful than any creature I've ever seen :(:(. He was just hanging by...
  4. drj5600

    Health Record Ideas

    Hello everyone! This is my first post here and I am interested to know how everyone keeps their health records? I recently put this short page together gathering the basics but I would love input on what I'm missing or different ideas....thanks!!
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