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  1. Johannx

    Comment by 'Johannx' in media 'Neptune'

  2. Massy


    Masoala panther chameleon
  3. Johannx

    What kind of Panther Chameleon?

    Tamatave or masoala
  4. Johannx

    Beginner help

    Sure, not for handling... i have to take them out their cage once every 2 days... except the ambilobe... he is WC...
  5. Johannx

    Beginner help

    I have 10 panthers... ambanja, ambilobe, nosybe, anthala, nosy mitsio, masoala, nosy faly, and ambilobe females for the rest (redbar, Bb and WC)... they are quite different, even their temper... look for the one you like (how it looks like), and put time and effort to understand their needs, and...
  6. Johannx

    Closing eyes during the day, not sure why…

    Try mazuri... for Insectivorous reptiles... Take your chameleon with the specialized veterinarian for that ... he should weigh it and indicate a necessary portion for his daily food. Also an analysis of his poop... have you noticed edema?
  7. Johannx

    Closing eyes during the day, not sure why…

    Gutload... repashy bugburguer and flukers orange cube... for crickets some vets like to give their chams mazuri...
  8. Johannx

    Beginner help

    Each cham has its own needs... maybe you can start with a veiled... If you consider yourself very careful, you can start with a panther... a lot of money, but it worth it...
  9. Peque


  10. Panthers


  11. Johannx

    Closing eyes during the day, not sure why…

    Thats not a normal poop... The poop should have the same shape, covered with mucosa, and urate, now that I read your post, it could be a temperature problem ... I also see that you have it with little foliage, that also varies the humidity quite a bit... Another question, what does Jack eat? It...
  12. Colors of Joy

    Colors of Joy

    Ambanja WC
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