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  1. Nilsa

    4 month old panther Cham. Boy or Girl? Please!

    I don’t know but it sure is beautiful tail say gal color say guy when it gets a lil older you’ll know for sure. Hope is a boy for you. I know not helpful.
  2. Nilsa

    Camy’s Christmas present

    This is it large atrium by Dragon Strand complemented by lighting by Light your reptiles and last but not least cricket cup by Nick Barta. Thank you Ventus1, Nick Barta and Cameleon Forums for helping choose All these things. With Cameleon Forum all things are possible. My Chamy is so happy.
  3. Getting sleepy

    Getting sleepy

    Chamy Falling asleep his colors turn almost to pastels he’ll open and close his eyes then Lala land.
  4. Getting a new cage

    Getting a new cage

    Cause I love to roam
  5. So sweet

    So sweet

  6. Chamy getting big

    Chamy getting big

    Love my mom
  7. Sweet as pie

    Sweet as pie

  8. Love this sunny window

    Love this sunny window

  9. 6 1/2 months

    6 1/2 months

  10. Me and my baby

    Me and my baby

  11. Nilsa

    Hi this is Nilsa and yes I purchased an egg from color by numbers and it arrived in October and...

    Hi this is Nilsa and yes I purchased an egg from color by numbers and it arrived in October and hatched in march just as they said it would just the 26 in stead of the 7th and yes the egg came in the mail
  12. Nilsa

    Hi guys need some help with handling my baby veiled chameleon

    I love mine too and I watch him and he runs to the door when he sees me I hatched him from an egg and now he is so big and handsome
  13. Nilsa

    My funny chameleon

    Ty I'm so madly in love with him, he's just 5 months old and he changes colors so amazingly
  14. I'm a flower really

    I'm a flower really

  15. I love this guy

    I love this guy

  16. Hiding in plain sight

    Hiding in plain sight

  17. At 5 month his colors are amazing

    At 5 month his colors are amazing

  18. Nilsa

    My funny chameleon

    Chamy thinks my head is a park he love walking thru my hair
  19. Big and colorful

    Big and colorful

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