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  1. cotes1999

    how well do dubias climb?

    Yikes flying dubias Thanks for that info everyone! I was told that they didn't fly:eek: I am glad I have a lid on my dubia tank! Thanks again! omg...I can already picture the face of my neighbor coming over and having a roach get on
  2. cotes1999

    how well do dubias climb?

    No climbing I put mine in a plastic drinking cup and they can't climb out of that one. It is about 4-5" high. I believe dubia roaches don't climb or fly....of course they can climb on the egg crates....just don't put anything in the cup that they can climb on and you should be fine.
  3. cotes1999

    Cricket alternatives

    Dubia roaches I started out with a colony of 150 and soon bought 150 more. They are multiplying pretty well. I currently have 4 veiled chams......wanting to have some panthers and pygmy's as well. I also feed them mealworms, crickets, superworms, and the occasional wax worm as a treat. I...
  4. cotes1999

    Gravid or not gravid?

    My 2 cents I left one set of my veiled chams together until the female rejected the male....she turned black with spots....and the male climbed to the bottom of the enclosure. There was no aggression until that moment.
  5. cotes1999

    Just molted in an Adult Male BDR

    Back end??? lol Sorry forgot to ask.....why the tushy shot? hihihi. Just kidding, I know that you are just trying to show us that it just molted. But
  6. cotes1999

    Just molted in an Adult Male BDR

    Tasty snack My veiled chams are watering at the mouth for that tasty snack. I am sometimes surprised at the size of bugs that they can eat.
  7. cotes1999

    Thoughts on Fluker's High-Calcium Cricket Feed

    a little of this a little of that :) I use a grind up egg laying chicken feed (has extra calcium in it). My crickets seem to like a potato now and then as well. Just watch for mold!
  8. cotes1999

    Greatest Plant Tip Ever!!!

    returning plants to Lowe's That's too funny. We have brought roots to them before, and they were able to look up our plant purchase....they refunded us. I hope that you can keep these ones alive:) I am about to try to put a live hibiscus in with my chameleons for the first time...hope it...
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