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  1. S

    What's your Cham's favorite food???

    Mine will only eat crickets or a mealie if he's totally desperate. He won't touch greens :(
  2. S

    Mealworms or superworms?

    Nope, neither of them as a staple. Superworms contain nearly 17% fat, when waxworms are only 11% fat. Despite being a little higher in protein, they're really not that good nutriotionally.
  3. S

    I was always led to believe...

    ...that the best housing for yemens was Flexariums or Mesh Vivariums. However, I see an increasing amount of people on my everyday forum using exo terra vivariums. To me, this is a bit cruel. Can someone give me the pros and cons of using vivariums? These people need to be told if I'm...
  4. S

    Could you give me your opinions...Chameleons

    Ah guys this is just what I wanted, some great in-depth discussion!! I really hope you don't mind bringing me up to speed on this. This is ace :)
  5. S

    is anyone else from england?

    I was born there!! I live in East London now though
  6. S

    What are you paying for gas where you are???

    Here in London, Unleaded Petrol (Gas) is £1.30 per litre ($2.60) and Diesel is £1.50 ($3.00). I don;t know about gallons though...
  7. S

    Leopard gecko eggs

    How are you testing for humidity? 87 degrees will give you all males or a hot female. What incubator are you using? What substrate are you using? Have you tried putting sphagnum moss (dampened) over the eggs? Is this the female's first clutch? Has she laid eggs before?
  8. S

    Could you give me your opinions...Chameleons

    Hi!! I've been looking for a good Cham forum lately and found this place!! You all seem to love Cham's so you'd be the best people to ask. This is a question I want to look deeply into so all opinions and viewpoints are much appreciated! What do you think about handling chameleons? What...
  9. S

    leopard gecko eggs

    As Kinyonga said, what temperatures are they incubated at? What incubation method are you using? is it the mother's first clutch? have you checked the humidity?
  10. S

    Anyone done an "outreach"?

    I'm an Outreacher at London Zoo! We have different presentations for the kids of all ages...and we have hissing cockroaches!! the kids always go mad and get really scared when they know its a cockroach...but then you'll be surprised how fascinated they get!! We even allow them to stroke the...
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