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  1. TheOtherOne

    6 Month Blue Bar

    Wow his colors look amazing in this picture, sure going to be a stunner!
  2. TheOtherOne

    6 Month Blue Bar

    Stunning. Absolutely beautiful colors, such a wide range. Fine specimen.
  3. TheOtherOne

    Earl was all fired up today :)

    I see a mirror in your pictures, he probably saw himself in there and thought it was another chameleon! :rolleyes: He looks great though! Real nice colors
  4. TheOtherOne

    Russia. Krasnoyarsk.

    Some great pictures! Awesome chameleons! haha I love the last picture with all the babies lined up sleeping on the stick :)
  5. TheOtherOne


    She looks amazing! Very nice cham! :D
  6. TheOtherOne

    Very Sick Veiled Chameleon

    I am so sorry to hear that :( It seems like it came on pretty quick
  7. TheOtherOne

    First time breeding... excellent outcome so far!

    Haha will do! And nice Jerry poster in the background of that first image by the way
  8. TheOtherOne

    First time breeding... excellent outcome so far!

    He looks awesome man! Good luck with the breeding. If you wanna get rid of one of them when they hatch, let me know. Looking for a nice ambilobe. :D
  9. TheOtherOne

    My georgeous George.

    Wow, absolutely amazing colors! :eek:
  10. TheOtherOne

    Quick Calcium Question

    Thanks for all the answers! Ok that's what I figured and I've been doing. I only have super and wax worms along with gutloaded crickets. I have some phoenixworms that are shipping out tomorrow.
  11. TheOtherOne

    Quick Calcium Question

    Hey, so I have a roughly 5 month old female veiled. I couldn't find calcium w/o D3 anywhere near my town so I ordered some online. I only have calcium w/ D3 and already gave it to her like 2-3x this month. However the calcium I ordered won't be here until thursday, and I haven't dusted her food...
  12. TheOtherOne


    Hahah that's a great one!
  13. TheOtherOne


    Oh my god, that face is so cute! He looks like a little dinosaur from a childrens movie hahaha
  14. TheOtherOne

    New Member - Have a few questions

    Yea, it came out kind of wrong. I meant the extra D3 would be good if she wasnt getting much, if any, UVB. She is in my basement so there isn't really any natural light coming in from outside. I only gave it to her about 3 times with a day or two in between so I guess I'll just hold of on it...
  15. TheOtherOne

    New Member - Have a few questions

    Yea I know that I'm just saying that because I'm pretty sure my light is giving off minimal UV right now, if any, which is why I'm getting a new bulb later today and should have the Calcium w/o D3 in a couple days. I know not to give her the D3 more than 2x a month, which is why I totally...
  16. TheOtherOne

    Look At Lottie's Colors

    Seriously beautiful Jann! Amazing colors, I really hope mine gets anywhere near this! Edit: Thank you for my new background haha
  17. TheOtherOne

    Ragnar is 1 year old...

    Beautiful chameleon! His colors look amazing!
  18. TheOtherOne

    New Member - Have a few questions

    Thank you so much for all of your quick and informative responses. I really appreciate it and I'm sure Josie does as well. :D I went ahead and removed the plastic on the UV light fixture and I am picking up a reptisun 5.0 T5 HO bulb after work today. I will use this one for a couple months so...
  19. TheOtherOne

    New Member - Have a few questions

    Haha yea I've recently made crickets her main diet, along with a couple super/waxworms here and there. I figured I shouldn't dust the phoenixworms because the Ca:P ratio is near perfect. I actually had her outside a couple days ago and she was loving it. The second the sun came out from...
  20. TheOtherOne

    New Member - Have a few questions

    Thank you for all the information on different feeders! And yes she is a cutie, I'm already starting to see some light blue come out in her sometimes. I washed the leaves like you said and re potted the top half of the plant and covered the soil with river rocks. She shouldn't be able to...
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