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  1. C

    The importance of having a backup mist pump

    For house pressure systems, do you not have to worry about dechlorination? Or is that not an issue for misting chams? I run RO water in my misters for dart frogs, had figured chams needed the same...
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    gnat problems in cages!

    Another solution to fungus gnats is to repot in media that has a fairly low organic content. I repotted everything that went in the cage in what I use for most houseplants, a mix of roughly equal parts turface, crushed granite and orchid bark. This drains fast so roots don't rot out from a lot...
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    Ficus Tree in my yard?

    > I know nothing about this sort of thing In general, you'll want to look up the USDA plant hardiness zone for your location (probably a 7 - 8 for most of Maryland) and then google for the recommended USDA zone for the species you want to plant. Ficus benjamina (the typical potted ficus) is...
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    What are your chameleons names?

    Trogdor the Burninator (ambilobe panther)
  5. C

    Cleaning Exo terra?

    Easiest way to remove calcium buildup from an exo is a wet Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Original. Works like a champ -- I use it (along with a squeegie) to clean the door glass on my dart frog vivs. Be sure to get the "original", not one of the ones with cleaning solutions in them (original is just...
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    Dart frogs

    Actually, the first step is probably deciding what variety of dart frogs you want to keep; that will inform your tank choice and setup somewhat -- larger darts such as terribilus and tincts will need a larger (and perhaps horizontal) viv, smaller darts like thumbnails and pums (which are mostly...
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    Dart frogs

    I've got about 14 vivariums full of them... Cool is in the eye of the beholder; not much mess -- everything stays confined to the viv. Check Dendroboard for setup advice, but in general, once everything is set up, there's not much to do other than culture food. Staple food is wingless...
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    Tubing for Aqua Zamp and MistKing

    +1 -- the 1/4" poly tubing from the hardware store will work in a pinch (as will their quick-connect fittings) As most of the hardware store tubing is clear or transparent, over the long term it can grow algae inside if it gets enough light, so you may want to eventually change back to an...
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    Schefflera Arboricola question

    Until you get your cham or more lighting, you might want to set it outside in some indirect sun to let it fill back out.
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    got my first cham!

    Monsoons also have a reputation for failing in the "on" mode, so people come home to find it pumped out a gallon or two of water... Mist Kings are pretty simple to set up; once you see the parts, it's real straight forward. The only thing marginally confusing is the zipdrip, and for that...
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    The frogs!

    I was afraid you were going to say that. My only rule for frogs is that when I shut up at night, they have to shut up too :D Oh well, at least I can enjoy the pictures!
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    Need help with plants

    It's not just soupiness at the bottom; water retentive soils (including most bagged potting soil) will hold water all through them... But if the roots were full and healthy, and not stringy and falling apart (or hard to even find), then that's not the problem.
  13. C

    Need help with plants

    I'm more than new to chameleons (my new baby from Kammers is due tomorrow) but I keep a lot of dart frogs and plants in exo-terras, and a lot of houseplants in general. The two main tricks to plants in vivariums are to have enough light, and to make sure they're well drained so the roots...
  14. C

    The frogs!

    Very nice! I do darts (mostly pums) but I've always been fascinated by the translucent frogs like Hyperolius pusillus. Is it mostly nocturnal?
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