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  1. Livelaidback

    some ideas for better hydration

    Aw awesome I needed some info like this thank you!
  2. Livelaidback

    Layla my Veiled Cham!

    Aw thank you! she brightens my day :) best decision I ever made was getting a Chameleon!
  3. Livelaidback

    Is my Substrate okay?

    Thanks for the tips those are really smart ideas! thank you so much any more advice on anything at all is helpful I want to know all I can!
  4. Livelaidback

    Layla my Veiled Cham!

    oh hahaha sorry I can't help because I don't even know! lol
  5. Livelaidback

    Is my Substrate okay?

    Yes! I can tell she already is much happier being with me! do you or any one else have any tips on how to handle your chameleon for the first time if you never have?
  6. Livelaidback

    Layla my Veiled Cham!

    I just got her and I'm not sure they said she was a juvenile why do you ask?!
  7. Livelaidback

    Layla my Veiled Cham!

    Hahah I know right!! I am a first time owner of a Veiled Chameleon and this is the first eye up one eye down picture and many to come!!!
  8. Livelaidback

    Layla my Veiled Cham!

  9. Livelaidback

    Oldest Male/Female Veiled

    I second that! how old can a female Veiled Chameleon live if kept perfectly?
  10. Livelaidback

    Is my Substrate okay?

    So to let everyone know! I took all the coconut fiber out! I did see her eat a piece so right then and there I removed it. I live in Maine and its winter so thats why I had the heating pad under there but if you guys say I should get rid of it I will! I have decided for now I will keep the exo...
  11. Livelaidback

    Is my Substrate okay?

    I saw that you can buy screen enclosures online if I were to buy a screen enclosure what is the best one? any opinions?! I really want the best for Layla so any advice or info would be great!
  12. Livelaidback

    Is my Substrate okay?

    underneath my tank is a little heating pad there is space between the pad and the tank but its not a warm room so that why I had that under there. I want to know more about this Exo Terra being problematic.... what type of problems can it cause? If I do put a lot of time into her and cleaning...
  13. Livelaidback

    Is my Substrate okay?

    any tips on improvement I just bought a Golden Pothos to put in it after I wash it off and flush any harmful chemicals out of it!
  14. Livelaidback

    Is my Substrate okay?

    my enclosure!
  15. Livelaidback

    Is my Substrate okay?

    how do I post the pictures I tried earlier and couldn't figure it out?!
  16. Livelaidback

    My Enclosures [video]

    Awesome enclosures I wish i had something like that one day hopefully!
  17. Livelaidback

    Is my Substrate okay?

    ahh you guys are so awesome! thank you for helping! so if I am too put one of the correct live plants in my terrarium for her should it have some sort of soil ? and should i be giving her calcium suppliments?, I heard about the calcium supplements because the females might get calcium...
  18. Livelaidback

    My Hatchling Photos!!!

    Aww they are so awesome! congratulaions!
  19. Livelaidback

    Is my Substrate okay?

    Any help at all it much appreciated!!! Thank you guys so much! I'm open to hear any advice you have to give!! I'm also feeding her medium to large crickets and meal worms should I supplement her anything else... And also are thee any fruits or vegetables she would eat? Also!! Any advice on stuff...
  20. Livelaidback

    Is my Substrate okay?

    I have a exo terra terrarium with a screen lid . And vines with fake leaves they told me to use the coconut fiber on the bottom but should I take it out ?! Is there something else that I should put in the bottom for her? And how do I find out if she is gravid?
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