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  1. Nikalaily

    veiled chameleon wont open eyes

    My male veiled 1.5 years old wont open his eyes. He hasnt moved from his branch or eaten in 5 days. He 8s in a screen cage 36" tall by 18 wide and deep. He has a uva heat bulb and uvb bulb on 12 hours a day and a mister that runs once every 3 hours for 45 seconds. It drys out between but keeps...
  2. Nikalaily


    everyone says it is. And at the same time a lot of people say theirs is nice. Mice was skittish at first but let me handle him with ease and now he is a huge jerk. hasnt bitten me but only because i am faster than him. the panthers i hear are pretty friendly and way more colorful. although, way...
  3. One Eyed Willy

    One Eyed Willy

  4. One Eyed Willy

    One Eyed Willy

  5. One Eyed Willy

    One Eyed Willy

  6. One Eyed Willy

    One Eyed Willy

  7. One Eyed Willy

    One Eyed Willy

  8. Member Album by Nikalaily

    Member Album by Nikalaily

  9. One Eyed Willy

    One Eyed Willy

    Willy at 5 months.
  10. Nikalaily

    Complete attitude over night?!

    Only 6 months... I keep reading that a lot are pissy in their cage but fine out, how do you get them out?! I am ok with him being a look at only pet I guess, but its nice to take him out every now and then and let him free climb in the ficus tree in the sun. completely not related, how do i add...
  11. Nikalaily

    Complete attitude over night?!

    I have a veiled who used to come out no problem, he came out once a week and we would enjoy some natural sunlight together. He never puffed up or flashed his colors when I would bring him out. Then one day he just decided he was not going to be held any more. Now if I get close to him he...
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