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  1. MollyT

    How to move a chameleon in a snow storm

    Anyone have any ideas on the best way to move a chameleon in an awful snowstorm? I want him to be as comfortable and with as little stress as possible. Before the last 4 days or so, the weather felt like early spring. We had weather in the high 60s low 70s! Of course it would be my luck that...
  2. MollyT

    Important question!!

    Is it safe to put MiracleGro in my chameleon's plant? It has been near death and we are trying to save it. This would be our last effort. The soil we use is the organic miraclegro soil. We were wanting to put some miraclegro in it to try to perk it up a bit. Will this harm Kush? We have the big...
  3. MollyT

    I have to brag on a local pet store!

    A month or two ago, I was shocked to find the chameleons at he local Petland living in horrible conditions. One was suffering from MBD and I even witnessed a worker abusing the sick animal. Anyway...I haven't been back there since. I have never liked giving my money to that store anyway. Well...
  4. MollyT

    Feeding as they grow...

    On 2/3, Kush will be 6 months old. I have noticed lately that he has not been eating all of his crickets. I usually put 18-20 in there and, he would always eat them. Last night he only ate 10, and they were smaller ones bc the place where I buy ran out of large ones. We just put 11 more in there...
  5. MollyT

    Superworm question

    Sorry folks...but I tried searching for the answer to my question and couldn't find it. What is the best way to keep superworms? What, if anything, do I feed them? I am only planning on giving him one a week, bc I really don't want him getting strung out on them and going on a food strike! Does...
  6. MollyT

    A little concerned...need advice

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Male veiled, 4 months, have had him almost 2 months Handling - Hardly ever, he hates it. Feeding - Mainly crickets. He eats around a dozen in the morning and 8-10 in the early evening. Gutload with mandarin oranges, carrots, some dry gutload I got...
  7. MollyT

    A couple of questions about the big boy cage

    So Kush is nearly ready for his big boy cage. Zack and I are going to be getting the supplies in the next week or two and then start building it. I was wondering, though, if I need two UVB lights and/or two basking lights for a 2x2x4 cage. It seems like I've seen some with one UVB on top and...
  8. MollyT

    Basking bulb question

    I have been using a regular household bulb for basking. I have been using the round kind that's been around forever. Well, I dropped the fixture last night and broke the bulb, and it was the last one we had like that. The only ones we have around the house to replace it are the new, spiral...
  9. MollyT

    Question about my cat

    I have a 6 year old spayed cat. The last, probably, 4 or 5 days, my husband and I have noticed she looks a bit strange around her mouth. It's a bit hard to explain, but when you are looking at her, it looks like her bottom lip is maybe hanging down farther than usual. I don't think it's swollen...
  10. MollyT

    Well it's official...I've been bit

    My cute little Kush just bit me for the first time! :( :eek: I was picking out fruit pieces from last night and he started hissing and acting big and bad. I remembered reading that when they act like that, you should pick them up so they think you aren't afraid of them and that their big display...
  11. MollyT


    Please keep my Dad in your thoughts and prayers. I just found out he is in the hospital with blood clots in his lungs. :( We need all the positive thoughts and prayers we can get at this point.
  12. MollyT

    So..I just hit a pedestrian with my mother-in-law's car

    Yeah. Worst. Morning. EVER!! :( I was turning left onto another road and had a green light. He MUST have been standing in the middle of the road, bc my husband and I were both looking and neither one of us saw him. There was a car stopped at the light and we honestly think he was talking to them...
  13. MollyT

    He DID it!!! NomNomNom

    Kush FINALLY hand fed! Before he gave in he actually hissed and lunged at Zack's hand! :eek: Then, I guess he figured out that there was food in that hand and he went after it! He ended up eating 3(he missed once). I'm so proud of him! I've been really working on building his confidence around...
  14. MollyT

    Kush getting big!

    Here is a recent picture of my little guy Kush. I can't believe how fast he is growing! I swear he has doubled in size since I got him a month and a half ago...and he's only 3.5 months!
  15. MollyT

    End stage of this it?

    Zack and I went back to the pet store yesterday to check on that poor veiled that we tried(to no avail) to help a week or two ago. We found her in the mud again, all of her limbs were so deformed! She was flailing them around trying to walk, but her front leg was bent so bad that it kept getting...
  16. MollyT

    Going on 3 days with no poop

    Usually, Kush poops every day or every other day. His last one was Wednesday and it was HUGE! It was twice as big as usual, and the urate was as well. Should I be concerned? He has been eating normal and he looks fine, not bloated or anything. My husband thinks that since the last poop was so...
  17. MollyT

    If/then question

    If my chameleon can handle full grown crickets with no problem, would it be okay to try to feed full size superworms? The local petstore only has the big ones, and I'm dying to give them a try. Just curious if Kush was ready for them. Thanks!!
  18. MollyT

    When to start feeding less

    I was just wondering at what age do you usually start feeding less. I have a male veiled, and he's still a baby at 3.5 months, but I have been wondering when I go from giving him as much as he can eat to a certain amount every day or two. Then, when I start giving him a certain amount, how much...
  19. MollyT

    Yet another sad pet store experience

    I just went to get some crickets at the local Pet Land. They have 2 veileds and 2 jacksons, and each time I go, I always check on them. I found one of the veileds in the bottom of the enclosure in mud(they use soil as a substrate). I got a worker and told her that she had a sick little one, and...
  20. MollyT

    Spraying for insects

    We are staying at my mother-in-law's apartment at the moment while the landlord finishes our new house. We got a note today telling us that tomorrow, there will be men coming around and spraying the apartments. Last time they came(before I had chams) I interrogated them about the spray, since I...
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