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  1. J


    i still see droppings but I think maybe it was overfed?
  2. J


    well I am asking b/c my cham was still chubby looking a day after he ate a roach.
  3. J


    How long do 1-2 month old Veiled Chams take to digest food?
  4. J

    Reptile Super Show

    I live i San Diego so Silicon Valley is a little out of my reach but the Pomona shows sounds good :)
  5. J

    Reptile Super Show

    ohhh! yea! i thought there going to be one sooner or something.. yea I am going to try to get a carpet chameleon
  6. J

    Reptile Super Show

    Where is this going to be?
  7. J

    Help with live plant

    its a veiled. about 1-2 months. I posted about it a few days ago but I dont think i ever asked how often I should be feeding it.
  8. J

    Help with live plant

    Also how often should a baby cham be eating? mine has been eating 1 dubia nymph everyday except for yesterday when it ate two. Am I over feeding it?
  9. J

    Help with live plant

    ok so I used the soft side of a sponge... it kind of lost some leaves but it should be good now..just gotta let it dry a little.
  10. J

    Help with live plant

    Should I use soap to wash out the leaves? Also should I just wait untill the sap dries out?
  11. J

    Help with live plant

    So I just bought a small Ficus benjamina. Wanted to know how to set it up. I already rinsed it and applied new organic non pesticide soil (patio plus). Never kept trees before so dont know much about it. Can i trim the branches to make it smaller or does that cause problems for the tree? Any...
  12. J

    Baby Veiled Cham. new owner

    Yea the Fruit flies was only b/c i was a little panicky... but it finally ate a dubia nymph earlier so it should be good now:)
  13. J

    is this the right supplement i need??????

    Not trying to steal the post but can the Repashy really replace the other supplements?
  14. J

    Baby Veiled Cham. new owner

    Yea I have a cup with a hole in it that i use for dripping.. What do you guys use as far as water? drinking water? sink water? I am using drinking water. Also for some reason It will not eat even the smallest dubia I try feeding it? It grabs it the kinda just lets it go.. But it ate FFs so it...
  15. J


    There are also some nice roaches! :)
  16. J

    Baby Veiled Cham. new owner

    Yea I will be picking up some live plants this weekend. Still trying to decide what plant to get tho...
  17. J


    Some of the colors on tarantulas are stunning! Here is my A.versicolor when I first got it.
  18. J

    Baby Veiled Cham. new owner

    so here is the setup i chose.. what do u guys think?
  19. J


    I have: A.versicolor right under 3inches A.avic 3inch+( x2) B.boehmei 3inch A.purpurea 1inch I. "recife" A.geniculata G.grammastolla P.ornata
  20. J

    Baby Veiled Cham. new owner

    not sure if i mentioned earlier but it should be a male..
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