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  1. F

    Wild Chameleon Convalescence

    Follow-up: So there I was removing branches from a tree threatening to over hang our roof when look who fell out! Original shot from two years ago Current image The damage to the tail has recovered completely except for the seemingly fused portion. On closer inspection, though the tail...
  2. F

    Wild Chameleon Convalescence

    Wild Chameleon Convalescence - Health Chameleon Info: Species - Jackson Sex - Male Age - 3-5 months (as estimated by forum members) How long has it been in your care - 5 days How often do you handle your chameleon? - Never directly, transferred from cage to feeding enclosure with a branch...
  3. F

    Wild Chameleon Convalescence

    Thanks for the quick response here are some more details in answer: 1) I assume that it is a Jackson, given that I am not aware of any other wild species in this location (West Hawaii). 2) The chameleon is 3" long (tip of nose to where the tail starts). 3) It is not my intent that the chameleon...
  4. F

    Wild Chameleon Convalescence

    Recently, upon returning home, I found this poor chameleon on our doorstep. It was seemingly exhausted and dragged its rear right leg when attempting to move. It looked as though it had gone a couple rounds with a mongoose or perhaps a cat (we have no pets). I have little to no knowledge of...
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