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  1. J

    Urgent help needed with my cham please!!!

    Guys, thanks for all the support - it's been great. I did have the little man down the vets today and he unfortunately passed away when i was sitting in the reception. I think the stress of taking him to the vet pushed him over the edge. I'm really upset and couldn't stop myself from welling...
  2. J

    Urgent help needed with my cham please!!!

    Yeah i done that the other day there and he loved it but started closing his eyes again after 10 mins. Nice days are few and far between over here in scotland!! A nice day to me is a little bit of rain and a cloudy sky! lol! :D He had another poop today and i'm pretty sure it's parasites. It...
  3. J

    Urgent help needed with my cham please!!!

    Thanks Lilly! Hopefully the vets will shed a but more light on the situation... :(
  4. J

    eye iritation?

    Hey guys, just out of interest, if putting the cham in the shower is the chlorine in the water not a potential issue for the cham? My little dude is pretty dehydrated. I'm trying him on Avipro to see if this helps but as a last resort i may try the shower thing. He's not in a good way and hasn't...
  5. J

    Urgent help needed with my cham please!!!

    Yeah, that makes sense. They were also using the compact uv's in the pet store so this could have resulted in the emaciated/dehydrated state he was in when i picked him up. If he was not moving around in the pet store then i can only assume he was closing his eyes all day in there as well. He...
  6. J

    Urgent help needed with my cham please!!!

    That was a super quick reply mate - thanks very much. I've just turned the UV off for now. Would this also result in the dehaydrated state he is in? I supose the vet should have an answer to that on Monday.. Thanks again, this is soo stressfull for me let alone my poor wee cham!
  7. J

    Urgent help needed with my cham please!!!

    Hello all. I'm new to this forum and have been directed here by one of the members on RFUK. So big HELLO to everyone! Lol! On a more serious note i'm in dire need of some help/advice on my cham. I posted the following on RFUK and i desperately need advice on the best way forward with this...
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