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  1. M

    beautiful babies!!

    Availablity? 1st: Congratulations on a nice job of breeding. 2nd: When are they available, how much, can one buyer get a sexed pair? 3rd: I live in Carson, is there a way to do a pickup? Thanks, Rich Please email me: [email protected]
  2. M

    Can anyone Identify this plant?

    I can also concur that it is of the genus Syngonium. They have thin leaves, grow fast, and are easy to propagate. I am glad for you that it is not a harmful plant to the chamy because it would be an excellent choice to have in an enclosure.
  3. M

    egg laying, weight questions

    Is it not true that you can also use potting soil? It seems to hold a tunnel well as it has fibrous components. It also has to be the right moisture to do well.
  4. M

    The slippery slope of Cham ownership...

    I hope there is room for me too! There is no doubt that it is a multi-headed monster, this Chamy culture hobby. The desire on the heart of most is to be as efficient as possible, which leads to the raising of feeder insects, raising suitable plants, creating better habitiat(s), and looking for...
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