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    if anyone in Canada intrested let me know
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    Sambava babies available $350.00
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    3 month old Sunfire boy

    whats the father lookl ike?
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    Nosy Mitsio

    where r these pics?
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    My replacement Sambava from Kilgours

    i want a sambava soo bad!!! good looking cham by the way
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    How long does it take WC to get used to handling/hand feeding?

    the first one is a nosy be, and he looks like he needs lots of water asap. the second looks nosy be to.
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    Cute female Ambanja

    its worth a try im just trying find some things out.
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    Cute female Ambanja

    do you have any more pics of this female plz? i have a female that looks close to her but maybe be a faly?
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    New Wild Girls!!

    yea i know so thats why im asking!
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    New Wild Girls!!

    do you have anymore pics of the ambilobe females?
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    New Wild Girls!!

    was she a female or a male?
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    Female colours

    wow there great looking, have you ever seen a a ambilobe with blue behind the eye turet? and a a small yellow line on the mouth?
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    Female colours

    wow thats great to hear! he must be a stud
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    Female colours

    shes great looking is she a wc female? very healthy looking too.
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    Female colours

    does anybody else have any pics of wc ambilobe or ambanja females, high colour ones?
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    Female colours

    yes its a female. i havent taking a picture yet of her im at work at the moment. just want ed to look at some options!
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    Female colours

    Great looking girl! Im looking for high color females to compare with what i have.
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    Female colours

    Show me your pics of your ambilobe and ambanja females plz
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    Sneak Peak @ LLL Cyber Monday/Black Friday - Chameleon Forum members know first!

    pricing i have been trying to call you guys from canada. i have bought lots of cages and supplies from you. and would like to speak with some one plz.
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    Lilly the Sambava

    How come she doesnt have a u bar
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