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  1. M

    Help with yemen chameleon please

    Why Do you think she is going to lay a clutch? If so whats the best way to set up and egg laying bin? I thought they just lay them in the substrate. Thanks
  2. M

    Help with yemen chameleon please

    Thanks for the help so far guys I'd say the distribution of it is a bit strange for a burn, and burns don't tend to spread do they? The odd colouring is still there - I've got my bettter camera on charge to take some decent pics and i'll upload those. I think i'm gonna have to take...
  3. M

    Help with yemen chameleon please

    Hi everybody I'm hoping here someone will be able to help with my 20 month yemen chameleon. She has been fine since I've had her (~3months now) but over the last 3weeks she's developed some bizzare dark patches which seem to be expanding in size. The patches change colour as she does...
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