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  1. S

    Sliding down screen cage

    Wow those cages look great! I will give that a try. Thanks for uploading the pics. How did you attach the ladder?
  2. S

    Sliding down screen cage

    I would love to see some pics! He is a year and a month, so he has a little more growing to do. I have a feeling he would destroy the pathos. His temps are perfect, but he is fairly active. I have to put in a stake and ties the ficus to it. When I move I will be adding more to his home.
  3. S

    Sliding down screen cage

    I think I know what your talking about Mr. Wilson. Thats a good idea. I have a Ficus on the bottom, but maybe I'll add some more. He has been tear that tree up lately! Maybe some plants to rotate is not a bad idea. I think if I take some vines (big exo terra ones) and drape them close to the...
  4. S

    Sliding down screen cage

    My male Ambilobe has taken to climbing the sides of his screen cage, and slides down, some times falling. It worries me that he is going to hit the bottom to hard (standard white pvc) or hurt his feet. I dont think there is anything I can do but put more branches in. I plan on getting more vines...
  5. S

    How long to recover from laying?

    I have a female ambilobe that layed a clutch on the 19th of last month, and was down to 36.5g after laying and was 55g before I introduced the male. She is 48g now. I have been feeding her all the roaches she wants and horn worms. She looks much better, but has folded skin and in thin, but not...
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    Dubia Roaches

    Hopefully someone else will chime in, but how old is your cham? Are you feeding him the appropriate size? I use cricket crack, lots of wholesome cereal and fresh veggies three times a week. My male panther is a year old today and I give him 5-8 roughly every other day. I don't want him fat, but...
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    Hornworms and Ficus

    Awesome! Thanks guys. I have a really shy female I am still trying to fatten up (laid eggs a couple weeks ago). I don't want to put all of them in her dish so I thought I would set a couple "free". And ya her boyfriend wont leave me alone wants more and more and more. I've never seen a lizard...
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    Hornworms and Ficus

    I got some hornworms in today, and am feeding them by letting them crawls around on a stick (dead/sanitized). If I left a few in the enclosure and they happened to get on and eat some ficus tree would it hurt my chams? I am pretty sure its something I should not do, but figured I would run it by...
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    Pictures of Bob's extended set-up

    Freaken awesome! Thats got the be the cleanest free range (I know there is a cage too) setup I have ever seem. Nice work
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    The Chameleon Community Makes No Progress...

    Ok so now the cats out of the bag and we've gotten a good look at him, what do we do about it?
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    The Chameleon Community Makes No Progress...

    Very well written. I think conservation should be emphasized more often and to a great extent. I think someone needs to print "Petco sucks" t-shirts and sell them to other people who truly understand what the statement represents. I've got a feeling a lot of people would be asking about it.
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    My Nosy Be

    That is awesome. My Ambilobe is like that. If I'm cleaning or doing what ever inside his cage he crawls right on my arm. The female is the exact opposite :rolleyes:
  13. S

    Ever catch yourself....

    You are a really, really talented writer.
  14. S

    Ever catch yourself....

    Same with ice crystals. I read about some study they did in Japan. I have never heard about plants though.
  15. S

    Ever catch yourself....

    Ever catch yourself having a conversation with your lizards? I am talking full on conversation with something that cant reply here. I just looked at my male and said "your fat, you really need to cut back on the roaches man. Ya ya ya I know I'm the one the gives them to you, I should not have...
  16. S

    How much time is necessary for caring for a chameleon

    Sweet action on all the critters. Ya Male is the way to go. They get bigger, have color, and you dont ever have to worry about eggs
  17. S

    How much time is necessary for caring for a chameleon

    I am in college, and the best thing I ever did for my chams is get a misting system and a timer on the lights. I dont have to worry about humidity/drinking when I'm at school and I can go out on weekends if I feed on Friday. I breed dubia and buy horn worms occasionally, but other than that...
  18. 100 4383

    100 4383

  19. S

    cup feeding

    Thats really clever. I've noticed that my male sits on his basking spot most the day and looks over at his cup everyone in a while. I am thinking about buying some crickets and letting them go in his cage (maybe 12 at most). Same idea with silk/horn worms. I usually just feed them by hand. Your...
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