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  1. B

    New veiled chameleon whereabouts

    Any websites where I can buy some different colored chameleons the ones I have found are the average green and blue
  2. B


    I have started feeding my male 7-8 month old vieled anoles the first time he took his time to eat it the second time he ate it as soon as it was in sight you could hear the bones break pretty crazy. My question is how often do I feed him anoles and are there any vitamins in anoles
  3. B

    Vines Vines VINES!!!

    Hey everyone does anyone know a website to buy some cheap vines preferably large vines
  4. B


    I Just got my chameleon 3 weeks ago I got him from the flea market were I felt bad because he was dehydrated I gave him the shower method and he is doing a lot better my question is I bought him a vine from Petco and I nailed it to my ceiling and connected it to my blinds as soon as I put him up...
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