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  1. hejfisken

    Keeping a chameleon in the bathroom för a few days?

    I am going up the country to celebrate christmas and will be gone for about 5 days. Under these days my panther chameleon will be kept by my uncle. The bathroom seemed to be a good place to keep the chameleon, but I wonder how he would react to the steams and the eventually perfume that will...
  2. hejfisken

    How old do you think my panther is?

    Just by guessing, how old do you think my little man are? I am wondering, because I think he has a different size compared to his age. Does the size and growth rate change pretty much from chameleon to chameleon?
  3. hejfisken

    Dark line around the eyeball

    My little man have gotten a black line around his eyeballs that wasn´t there a month ago. What do you think is the cause? Other than this there are no problems with him, and it seems like doesn´t mind it. Then: Now...
  4. hejfisken

    (video) baby panther shedding

    Hey guys! My little man gave me a shock this morning. He was all white, but I calmed down after noticing that he was just having his first shed. At 3 months and 8 cm?! Is he not a bit too young? Anyhow, he seems to have worked it out all good after only a few hours...
  5. hejfisken

    Night thoughts about wasps...

    Let us say, in the deep jungle of madagascar, a wasp sits down on a flower nearby a branch were a hungry chameleon is. Will the cham try to get the wasp? Or do you think the species has developed some kind of refuse against toxic insects, or maybe an immunity against the poison?
  6. hejfisken

    What colour should a baby panther chameleon have?

    I got my new panther as a month-old baby. He started out in his new home with bright colours. these have slowly darkened day after day and now a week later ha is almost black with white dots on the sides. I have not seen any signs of illness, except that he´s often walking around the little...
  7. hejfisken

    One month old Panther starting to get colours..

    I have started to see my little pantherman showing some green spots on the head, some green/blue on the legs and lighter blue on the throat. Is it normal seeing the colour at an age of about 40 days? I don´t know if you guys can see my facebook link to the picture but I´ll give it a try...
  8. hejfisken

    What is this colour morph called?

    Hey everybody! I am picking up my first panther chameleon on Monday. It is the male under the title "Chameleons" on this page: The owner say that it is a Sambava. I looked it up and finded out that chameleons from that location is red. He tells me that there are...
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