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  1. Eppler

    MistKing timer failures

    Has anyone else had problems with the MistKing timers failing? I had one fail and they sent me a replacement with the second system I ordered and both of the new ones have failed. Two of the relays are locked open and the other one is locked close.
  2. Eppler

    Keeps eating his tree!!

    Jack has a ficus and a hibiscus in his cage and he keeps eating the hibiscus. To my surprise it was dying out side so with nothing to lose I planted it in his cage. Overnight it started doing better but dropped a lot of leaves for a week and now it is flourishing. I thought about bitter apple...
  3. Eppler

    Not sure what to do now!

    I have a male veiled about three and a halve months old and I just moved him into his big cage. I think it was too soon because before I could get him out and he would resist a little but now when he sees me he tries to hid. He has been in it for over week now and I thought things were getting...
  4. Eppler

    The dark side

    I just moved my cham into his big boy cage and have two ficus trees and the bottom is covered in Pathos. For lighting I have one reptisun 5.0 and a reptisun 2.0 both 24”. I have them over his basking spot at the back of the cage on top and not much light is getting to the front or bottom. I was...
  5. Eppler

    Zoo Med Repticare Ceramic Infrared Heat Emitters

    Wow the 60Watt heater was 420F and 8" away was 79F to 80F. Does not seem to radiate heat out much any better heaters out there?
  6. Eppler

    Covering potting soil?

    I am looking for an alternative to covering potting soil other than rocks. I was thinking of using calcium sand but don’t know the affects it would have on the plants and trees. Right now I am planning to keep them in pots but if I can find a lighter material than river rocks I will just plant...
  7. Eppler

    I think I found my new cage light!

    Hope it is not too small.
  8. Eppler


  9. Eppler

    Good treat being handle?

    Good treats for chams? Is there something I could use for a treat that chams can’t resist? I have sugar gliders and mealworms are like supercharged cocaine to them. Also she is only around 7 weeks old I would like something to give her when I get her out to handle her.
  10. Eppler

    My little girl

  11. Eppler

    Is this light bad for my baby cham?

    I have it mounted around 7 or 8 inches from the top of the cage. I have a veiled female chameleon around 6 or 7 weeks old.
  12. Eppler

    New 6 -7 week old chameleon Questions

    How much misting at a time and how often I have a drip system that drips on the plants? Should I spray the chameleon directly or just the cage environment? Do I need a blue light for night time the temps stay around 74 to 76? I have uvb 5 and uva 2 bulbs and some sorry temp and...
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