Recent content by THE DUDE 2102

  1. THE DUDE 2102

    Someone please help me. What is this?

    I had to get it amputated unfortunately por little guy has only 1 penis left instead of the 2
  2. THE DUDE 2102

    Someone please help me. What is this?

    Are you referring to the red thing then yes
  3. THE DUDE 2102

    Good place to buy a large free range tree

    "Try this site buddy copy and paste hopefully it just lets you click it rathat then copy and and paste it after this sentence"...
  4. THE DUDE 2102

    !!!!HELP PLEASE!!!! Part of casque broke off!!!!

    You need to put a splint on it as well as this
  5. THE DUDE 2102

    !!!!HELP PLEASE!!!! Part of casque broke off!!!!

    This should definitely help
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