Recent content by TG3ThaGod

  1. T

    Eye problem?

    I just took her back to petco and they are taking care of her
  2. T

    Eye problem?

    Dojas left eye looks like its kinda flatter than the other, please any advice helps. It's her left eye
  3. T

    Eye problem?

    Doja's left eye kinda looks weird to me. It's almost not as bulged as the right one and not really as responsive, not completely unresponsive but a little less and it's looks a little grey-ish but I'm colored blind so. Lol anything helps
  4. T


    This is my very first Chameleon and I'm noticing that I'm very over protective But any info for a new owner would be great!
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  6. T


    Not seeing anything but I will post a pic here shortly
  7. T


    Just copped a 3 mo. Old. Not sure if male or female. Help. Can't tell if the bump is there if so, how significant is the bump? Can you even tell at this age?
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