Recent content by splodeybaloney

  1. S

    Question about chameleon claws

    My chameleon has recently taken to climbing around on his screen cage a lot, and lately I've noticed that he's been having a harder time trying to get a hold and grab on to the screen very well. I looked really closely the other day, it it looks like one of his claws on his front foot is...
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    Six Months - Getting colors [Picture Heavy]

    Hello, I wanted to make a thread with pictures of my chameleon, Finn, to share how awesome he's starting to be. I know he's really nothing special compared to other chameleons, but I'm so excited that he's started getting his colors. Yesterday (Nov. 4th) marks 6 months that I've had him...
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    Veiled acting weird

    Oh, one other thing I've been meaning to find out that I might as well ask now is this: How can I get vines/branches to stay up higher in the cage? Should I just clip a small section and zip-tie it to the wall? Would that be sturdy enough?
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    Veiled acting weird

    Yeah, about as big as my pinkie was about as big as he was when I first got him. The only picture I have of him that really gives a good idea to his size is a really bad picture, because it was taken before I got my new phone
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    Veiled acting weird

    Man, I knew I got him when he was young, but I never really knew how young. If he's that young, then I would have had to have bought him when he was only a couple weeks old. I bought him the first week in May (around May 4th), and have had him since then. That was ~4 1/2 months ago, so he has to...
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    Veiled acting weird

    Nope, I'm pretty sure he's a he. He does have some banding on his sides, I guess my camera just sucks at picking that up. I think this one shows his banding a bit better:
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    Veiled acting weird

    The substrate is actually a brick of Zoo-Med's Eco-Earth compressed coconut fibers, and is more like a dirt than the loose bark I'm imagining 'reptibark' is. I'll try and trade the waterfall for a mister or a fogger or something, and be sure to provide more climbing area for him. I know...
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    Veiled acting weird

    Crickets are all I offer. I know some more branches would be nice, and I will be getting more of those soon.
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    Veiled acting weird

    The crickets I've started getting recently come packaged with some potatoes, and I give them a supply of Fluker's orange cubes. They are about the same size as a 'large' cricket I would get from a local pet store - about 3/4" to 1" long. The bulb I got in May when I first got him. As far...
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    Veiled acting weird

    First off, Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Male, veiled chameleon (named Finn), about 5-6 months old. I have had him for 4 1/2 months Handling - Almost every day, probably about 5 minutes at a time Feeding - He is fed with crickets, 5 per day in the morning Supplements - I use a...
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    Chameleon Eyes Closed

    I didn't use any glue, just a couple pieces of duct tape on either end
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    Chameleon Eyes Closed

    But I've been using the same bulb since I first got him in May, I don't understand why it would be a problem now
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    Chameleon Eyes Closed

    It's an Exo Terra 5.0 compact coil bulb. I added the rope-PVC-vine thing and the waterfall yesterday morning, and he even seemed to be doing fine yesterday afternoon. That's all I've added recently, and he was doing fine in the new cage the past few days.
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    Chameleon Eyes Closed

    Decided to upload a picture real fast.
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    Chameleon Eyes Closed

    All day today my chameleon has been standing around with his eyes closed. I just recently upgraded to a new cage, and put some new things in it yesterday, which I think may be the issue. I tried to make a vine contraption out of PVC pipe and rope, and I got him a waterfall. I placed them all...
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