Recent content by ronnietherockstar

  1. ronnietherockstar

    Is my baby girl pregnant?

    Thank you! I believe I do.
  2. ronnietherockstar

    Is my baby girl pregnant?

    Started a new thread with more recent photos She just about a year and a half.
  3. ronnietherockstar

    Is she pregnant or just fat? Or anything else?

    My dad does the feeding due to my busy schedule, so I’ll get back to about that but yes we have a lay bin
  4. ronnietherockstar

    Is she pregnant or just fat? Or anything else?

    Me and my dad do have a lay bin for her, It’s a mix of sand and dirt and is not to dry but not to wet so she can tunnel.
  5. ronnietherockstar

    Is she pregnant or just fat? Or anything else?

    About 2 years maybe a little less
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