Recent content by riri6789

  1. riri6789

    Baby chameleon enclosures

    I was wondering what the best kind of setup would be for raising a clutch of 15 baby chameleons altogether in one setup. I see a lot of setups where the babies seem to be in a plastic bin with branches and wasn't quite sure if that was safe for them or what kind of materials I'd need for that...
  2. riri6789

    Breeding a female veiled chameleon with pseudo gout

    Pseudo gout is the build up of calcium crystals depositing in the joints
  3. riri6789

    Breeding a female veiled chameleon with pseudo gout

    I was wondering if anyone had any opinions on breeding a female veiled chameleon with pseudo gout. I wasn't sure if it would be harmful or not to them since the female will be laying eggs regardless if they are fertile or not.
  4. riri6789

    Breeding a Veiled Chameleon with pseudo Gout

    I was wondering if anyone had any opinions on breeding a female veiled chameleon with pseudo gout. I wasn't sure if it would be harmful or not to them since the female will be laying eggs regardless if they are fertile or not.
  5. riri6789

    Male or female veiled?

    female due to her not having spurs :)
  6. riri6789

    Comment by 'riri6789' in media 'Festive Fall Fun'

    cammy is so pretty I love him and his sweeet little face
  7. riri6789

    New pics - Male or Female Veiled?

    definitely male! there are spurs visible
  8. riri6789

    Male or female? Age?

    Based on the pictures you provided of the base of the tail your chameleon appears female :) hope that helps
  9. riri6789

    Beautiful day

    So pretty!!! I love them all
  10. riri6789

    Let's see your chams!!!!

    This is my 9 day old male ambilobe panther!
  11. riri6789

    New mom jitters

    I have an 8 day old panther Chameleon. However, this isn't my first rodeo. I suggest just keeping him the cage you have. I have my baby a cage too big for him as well and he seems to be loving it! It takes time for them to relax and settle in and I promise you they do get used to it. As for...
  12. riri6789

    Squirt and his new cage

    Squirt is loving his new cage!!
  13. riri6789

    Chemeleon eggs Sweating?

    Yep! All of them little stinkers
  14. riri6789

    7 day old baby squirt!

    He is such a sweet heart
  15. riri6789


    I currently have a male veiled and a 7 day old ambilobe panther
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