Recent content by reptileman1

  1. reptileman1

    she eats everything!!!!

    If you are interested in feeding another readily atainable species that is harmless look for Pothos. It is found in any garden centers and in most grocery stores in the Summer. It is originally form the Solomon Islands in the S Pacific. Easy to grow and propagate with cuttings in water and they...
  2. reptileman1

    My wife and kids found this for me today

    A female praying mantis. Looks full grown. They make interesting pets. LMK if you are interested in the details of care.
  3. reptileman1

    New guy!

    Welcome! Enjoy the forums and thanks for the intro!
  4. reptileman1

    Veiled chameleon - life span

    Veiled Life Span I have knowledge (personal conversation) from a fellow breeder that had a veiled male last nearly 13 years. The last two years were rough as the animal had to be hand fed, it casque or veil had drooped over and had become nearly transparent and it wouldn't move. Obviously still...
  5. reptileman1

    Jackson's, Veiled, Meller, Rudis Chameleons

    Jackson's as a Starter I disagree that Jackson's aren't a good starter. They are, in my experience, one of the simpler species to keep as long as they: - Are obtained from a reputable breeder and in excellent health - Are maintained singly OR in a VERY large vivarium - The vivarium is WELL...
  6. reptileman1

    panther chameleon information!?

    Panthers as pets Panther chameleons are a GREAT choice as a starter chameleon, if for no other reason than they are almost ALL captive born. This nearly ensures a quality, well started animal, especially if obtained form a reputable breeder, that has an EXCELLENT chance at a quality life...
  7. reptileman1

    Cham drinkng question

    Hydration Another key element is how much. A well hydrated Panther should have a nicely bulged head on either side of the sagittal crest, the bony ridge that runs down the center of the animal's skull on the TOP. As they gather excess water it collects there for future dry spells.
  8. reptileman1

    Supplementation/MBD 1

    New Member As both a long time lizard breeder and wildlife biologist I found that discussion extremely informative. Have you ever corresponded with Jon Coote on this subject?
  9. reptileman1

    when you free range

    New Member Free ranging is a cool idea with some potential for concern. Number one is pesticides and two is predation. How does your friend combat these two potential issues?
  10. reptileman1

    Crickets Freakin' Stink! any suggestions on de-oderizing them?

    Member The keys to keeping crickets are warmth and circulation. Crickets are best kept at or near 92 degrees F and DRY. Also, scratch the sides of the plastic container with a rough sandpaper to within 2 or 3" of the top of the container. The crickets will use these mini gouges to spread...
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