Recent content by RandyE

  1. R

    Jackson Age?

    @Lathis - Thanks! Yeah most pet stores have a terrible reputation. I've actually gotten 2 leopard geckos, a horned mountain lizard, 2 bearded dragons, and 2 chams from this one up here as the manager of the animals actually gives a hoot about what happens to them. But she apparently (according...
  2. R

    Just wondering if his coloring is okay

    I think this depends. I do quite a few because I live in upstate NY and we have practically no humidity in the air, it is a lot harder to keep the humid levels up. I have to spray 2-3 2 minute ones and 2-3 20-30 second ones for my Jackson and that is with a humidifier. My veiled needs 2 2-3...
  3. R

    Jackson Age?

    Hi folks, I got this guy from Petco about 2 1/2 weeks ago (they weren't keeping him in a proper enclosure. 10 gallon aquarium with less than 4" to climb up. He was only there a week so he wasn't in too bad of shape as you can see, this pic is from the day after I brought him home. But I decided...
  4. R

    T. montium hatching

    Sounds like my fiance when we were first talking!
  5. R

    Confusion on handling

    I think this is where knowing your cham comes into play. My Jackson that I've had for about 2 1/2 weeks now actually loves being taken out of his enclosure. I leave the door open during the day and when I walk over he shimmy's his way to the door and if I put my shoulder close to him he walks...
  6. R

    Mouth stays open.

    He shouldn't have a water bowl it just fosters bacteria, especially because chams like to poop in water. 15" high isn't high enough. Please take some time and look over this: as there are a few things in your setup that can be cause for...
  7. R

    Another Translucent Veiled Thread

    pic 4 is amazing
  8. R

    lack of info

    Unfortunately in retail they're merely considered a product and not an actual living being. Hell most retail consider their employees mere resources or tools and not living beings.
  9. R

    Some questions about keeping a Chameleon.

    It absolutely does. Them requiring a higher humidity level means they require more hydration and dehydrate easily, especially at younger ages. I recently got a Jackson that I had to get from Petco before they killed it (they were housing him in a 10gallon horizontal aquarium with no place to...
  10. R

    New Jackson

    A. How long should the daylight lamps run? 12 hours B. I plan on feed BO a diet of calcium fortified crickets, meal worms and some one mentioned a roach high in protein. What is the name of the roach? Drop the meal worms and get something else. They're mostly chitin which has no nutritional...
  11. R

    I'm a total newb... Don't even know if I'm doing this right....

    Chameleons are creatures that live alone in the wild. They do not want nor like us to reach in and grab them. They may tolerate it, but it would be a lot like some 25' person trying to pick you up. It really has nothing to do with your cage conditions. You're perceived as a predator for the...
  12. R

    Some questions about keeping a Chameleon.

    1. The mountain dwelling ones typically need a slightly cooler environment with a little higher humidity from what I've seen. 2. Honestly the taller the cage the better. While you might get away with a 29" cage it really is best to have at least a 3 foot tall cage, even for the smaller...
  13. R

    Veiled Fall

    Well, it happened. I was trying to pull the tube for his water dripper thing out of a zip tie and it was stuck so I let it go thinking it would remain close to it since it is zip tied to a twig that runs upwards, instead it flopped to the side and scared the urate out of my Veiled and he fell...
  14. R

    Vol'Jin Talked Back Today

    Well, it was time to clean Vol'Jin 's (my ~11 week old Veiled) cage and he was very against being picked up today. He had been basking for about 2 hours so his blood was nice and warm. He decided to jump off my hand onto one of the vines, I picked him back up and he started yelling at me. It's...
  15. R

    Vol'Jin the baby M Veiled

    Vol'Jin has been with us for a couple of weeks. Sorry the picture is HUGE so I can't just embed it and I don't have my phone with me (it's lost somewhere in the house) I live in upstate NY (about an hour north of Syracuse) and our Petco rarely get's any reptiles in except between June and...
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