Recent content by Muttley

  1. Muttley

    Need Help with Jackson Babies

    Well, so far so good I suppose. We adopted most of the babies out, kept two, a male and a female. For reasons I cannot explain the male passed away a month or so ago. He was eating well, drinking well. I woke up one morning and turned the lights on and he was really struggling. I took him...
  2. Muttley

    Need Help with Jackson Babies

    They were in rare form last night.
  3. Muttley

    Need Help with Jackson Babies

    Sorry for the late reply. All seven are doing fantastic! Eating machines, drinking well and they seem to tolerate each other. Quite comical at times. We have a couple that come right to the front of the terrarium when we open the door and appear to really like crawling on hands and arms...
  4. Muttley

    Need Help with Jackson Babies

    Well, Day 3. Appetites and hunting prowess improved and I am seeing them drink from water droplets still. Humidity and temps are stable, lighting appears to be well, and all-in-all, I'd have to say things are progressing well.
  5. Muttley

    Need Help with Jackson Babies

    So, the lunch time update. There are four that I would call the more advanced group. Three in the not-so-advanced group. The four really active ones started what I can only call a "rocking walk" with their tails fully extended "strutting" up and down the branches. The other three haven't...
  6. Muttley

    Need Help with Jackson Babies

    Thanks for the video link. That was one of the first resources I used and it has a lot of good information. Last night I moved the light up and have it angled into their space. Also, i just went back to take a picture of the lighting, and while I was up there I repositioned the basking...
  7. Muttley

    Need Help with Jackson Babies

    Well, we made it through the night. Still raising 7. I turned on the lights today, gave them a little heat lamp as was suggested earlier, and they were moving around quite a bit. Still very dark in color by my observation, but over all, they seemed OK and what could be described as...
  8. Muttley

    Need Help with Jackson Babies

    Yes, it's a fogger. The terrarium is glass with a screened top. Could air flow be a concern? I measure the temp with a thermometer mounted on the wall. I have plenty of bins I could move them to if that is the right place for them.
  9. Muttley

    Need Help with Jackson Babies

    Pics as requested. Thanks for the info thus far. They aren't this dark since I turned the lights off for the night. Current pics
  10. Muttley

    Need Help with Jackson Babies

    I've gone through so many lights in the last couple of weeks I can't keep them straight. Right now I am using only a 26W 5.0 UVB CFL light. I am not using the heat at all, it stays 74F all on it's own. I didn't think it was overly "bright", should I back the light off a little bit, create...
  11. Muttley

    Need Help with Jackson Babies

    We are new to having a Jackson's Chameleon, three weeks into it now. Came home yesterday and apparently our girl was pregnant when we got her. I now have 7 bundles of joy and I have no idea what I am doing. So, I looked around here a little bit, watched some videos, and I think I have a basic...
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