Recent content by Justine55

  1. Justine55


    Hes growing some. Should be about 3 months now.
  2. Justine55


    Lol he is my avatar. I just got him a couple days ago, so I'm letting him settle in. He hides when I come into the room.
  3. Justine55


    I do have a feeder run. I will set that up as well as the dripper. Thanks again!
  4. Justine55


    Thank you for the reply! I am picking out the smallest dubias I can find (I breed my own). I noticed that he didn't eat much, so I went and bought the pinhead crickets. Today is the first day with the crickets, so I will see if he likes those better. I have only had him since Tuesday. As for...
  5. Justine55


    Hello, I am new to the forum and chameleons. I have done a lot of research and ordered a 2-3 month old chameleon from FL Chams (driskel bloodline). At the time, I didnt see that I could've ordered a juvenile instead of a baby. The chameleon they sent is a lot smaller than I was prepared for. He...
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