Recent content by Justin Escajeda

  1. J

    Does she look pregnant?

    I am not sure, like I said they have always been kind of swollen, but never had shown any restrictions on climbing. I don't know, I am just going to watch I have never seen a chameleon progressively grow like this without being pregnant, esp at times seeing pronounced bumps in her abdomen.
  2. J

    Cluth of Baby eyes closed....

    Here’s a pic
  3. J

    Cluth of Baby eyes closed....

    So during this quarantine I actually had 4 clutches hatch (3 amb, 1 nosy b), with the extra time I the opportunity to do some experimenting. The first two clutches I kept plastic bins (conventional method) for 1 month. Then I separated them into bioactive exo terras in groups of 4-5. So far...
  4. J

    Does she look pregnant?

    Yes, they have looked somewhat swollen since she was delivered, I worried about gout but it never seemed to get any worse or better. I am very nervous about that being that I had a very health male hoenelli die awhile ago due to that. Is that what you think it may be?
  5. J

    Does she look pregnant?

    Thank You! Yes I have a bunch of nursery cages ready for another clutch, so I do have extra room. I am keeping an eye on her to look out for slugs or babies, either way I appreciate the feedback.
  6. J

    Does she look pregnant?

    Hello, I purchased two (alleged Cbb) female Jackson chameleons October 16 2019. Although very healthy when they arrived, the two have rejected our males countless times. Since then both have gained significantly in size. I’ve gone back and fourth the last couple months deciding if she was...
  7. J

    Lighting comparisons between Hatchlings and adult/sub adult? Seeking Advice-

    Hello Community, I just wanted to reach out to see everyone's opinion on what type of lighting to use for my hatchlings, ive recently had a clutch of panthers to start displaying eyes shut all day and believe it due to too much uvb. I am currently switch to t8 instead of t5. Does anyone have...
  8. J

    Cluth of Baby eyes closed....

    Zoomed day bulb (40w).
  9. J

    Cluth of Baby eyes closed....

    Ok will def try that, should I leave the 40w light on though? Or no lights at all? Thanks!
  10. J

    Cluth of Baby eyes closed....

    We do have a screened top on them, but ill check uv reading and get right back
  11. J

    Cluth of Baby eyes closed....

    We always wash the plants before using them, yes, very anal about that. We use (blue pink label- repcal 1:1) roughly once a month, alternate calcium plus with Lod bi weekly (repashy brand). Then use NoD all other feedings. Gut loaded crickets (feed kail), wax woms, dubia roaches, horned...
  12. J

    Cluth of Baby eyes closed....

    Hello All, I am hoping to get some feedback on my current situation with a one month old clutch of baby (Ambil) Panthers Chameleons. Up to this point I have been housing this clutch since birth in the convention hatchling enclosure: tuber-ware bin with a maze of wooden stacks and many fake...
  13. J

    When Can I Switch Enclosures For Hatchlings

    Hello All, I currently have a 1.5 month old clutch of Amb Panther chameleons. The look great and growing quickly. I recently purchased some really nice nursery screen cages (PVC on 3 sides expect screen on front), and was wondering when people typically move their chameleons out of standard...
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