Recent content by jasond

  1. jasond

    Overdue eggs

    Got her 4 x 2 x 2 cage set up. It’s Dracaena Lisa safe for chameleons?
  2. jasond

    Overdue eggs

  3. jasond

    Overdue eggs

    Great thanks.
  4. jasond

    Overdue eggs

    She’s doing great! Still eating normally and pooping and moving around. Thanks for asking!
  5. jasond

    Overdue eggs

  6. jasond

    Overdue eggs

  7. jasond

    Overdue eggs

    Yup. There’s a picture of them above. I still have them in my fridge. I have a drainage pan for my current enclosure, which is actually the bottom liner for a 4 x 2 x 2 enclosure. I’m upgrading to the latter - can you recommend and kind of drainage pan / container for this size?
  8. jasond

    Overdue eggs

    The vet said she had about 30 eggs, I thought it would be a lot more.
  9. jasond

    Overdue eggs

    Had Fiona’s eggs removed and had her spayed and she’s doing great. She’s eating, pooping, and not as lethargic. Attached are some photos. I go back in a week for a checkout and in 6 weeks to have the sutures removed. Thanks for the support and help!
  10. jasond

    Overdue eggs

    Ha ha yeah I figured you meant $300.
  11. jasond

    Overdue eggs

    Really cute!
  12. jasond

    Overdue eggs

    Scheduled to get her spayed tomorrow. $1800 😬.
  13. jasond

    Overdue eggs

    Thanks! Yeah I got her in beginning of Sep at reptile store, and the said she was about a month old. Attached is a picture of her right after I got her. I’m taking her to the vet ASAP to get this taken care of. (Those are Ackie monitors in the background - that’s not her cage 😬😊)
  14. jasond

    Overdue eggs

    Yeah I just called the vet again and hope to get in today or tomorrow to get them removed and get her spayed.
  15. jasond

    Overdue eggs

    Yikes, thanks for the advice. I’ll tell the vet this ASAP and get this taken care of.
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