Recent content by JadeTheCham

  1. JadeTheCham

    please help!!!!!!

    Okay so I researched a ton about laying bins and literally could not find anything helpful but I have a medium sized bin with clean rocks (about the size of grains of sand) and pebbles on top. Any advice for the laying bin? Also thanks for the heat tip, I will try it.
  2. JadeTheCham

    please help!!!!!!

    Hi, I AM IN URGENT NEED OF HELP. I’ve seen unusual “spots” on my chameleon and I believe they might be burns, I am very worried. Also, today she decided she wanted to come out of the cage and I noticed something that looks like a cut of some sort. I have also been wondering if she is too skinny...
  3. JadeTheCham

    My teenager brought home a chameleon...

    hi, i’ve been a chameleon owner for months now but i’ve never tried live plants, i’m afraid my chameleon will eat the dirt or something. i’m also not sure what type of plants would even be good to put in her cage. any tips?
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