Trophies awarded to FupaLord117

Post Trophies

  1. Double Digits

    You posted 10 messages. You're off to a great start!
  2. First Message

    You posted your first message. Welcome to Chameleon Forums.

Like Trophies

  1. You Liked It

    You liked someone's message. Thanks for encouraging your fellow user to make great posts!
  2. Somebody Likes You

    Somebody out there liked one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!

Species Database Trophies

  1. Favorite Chameleon Species

    Your favorite chameleon species has been set in your profile.

Account Trophies

  1. Googly Eyes

    You are following two or more threads created by other members.
  2. Lovin' The New Look!

    You added an Avatar to your profile.
  3. External Account

    You associated an external account with Chameleon Forums.
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