Recent content by Danielson1994

  1. Danielson1994

    Explaining Clutch Reduction

    Hi so my female panther is about 6 months. Is now a good time to cut back on feeding to 3-4 feeders every other day?
  2. Danielson1994

    de-worming a panther! need a hand

    Hey you mist be talking about vat exotics huh?
  3. Danielson1994

    I need to rehome some of my baby Jackson’s

    I'm in San Luis Obispo county
  4. Danielson1994

    I need to rehome some of my baby Jackson’s

    I live in San Luis Obispo county CA. Is shipping available?
  5. Danielson1994

    I need to rehome some of my baby Jackson’s

    Hi I live in Arroyo Grande and would love to take one of your Jackson's. I have alot of experience and am looking for my 2nd cham
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