Recent content by argulor

  1. argulor

    all of my chams are gone,

    hi all, i havent bewn a member for long but my one girl had stuck shed in her eye and kept needed to be sedated and having her eyes flushed by the vet, i felt horrible for her and it kept happening even after i changed my husbandry. so i had to put her down. we are taking her to a taxidermist...
  2. argulor

    chameleon struggles

    does anybody else struggle to use their phone when the other lights are out bc flies swarm to the phone light ??? and then get in ur nose or is that just me ???
  3. argulor

    Who has a chameleon Instagram?

    just followed ! i dont post much but mine is kizpolskichams !!
  4. argulor

    Comet Health Update

    im so happy hes doing better !!
  5. argulor

    Comet Health Update

    good luck with getting your dude in good health , i hope the vet can see whats up
  6. argulor

    Female chameleon, makes my heart melt

    so excited for u !! she looks like a sweetie !!
  7. argulor

    Fruitless Mulberry for sale?

    im in new jersey !
  8. argulor

    pet stores

    so today i had to sell the most beautiful bearded dragon to a customer who had their baby get eaten by their cat, because they had him in a 5 gal with no lid,,, and they needed a new one to switch out the baby so their 4 yr old son wouldnt notice. right after this happened, i put in my two...
  9. argulor

    Fruitless Mulberry for sale?

    i also need a dwarf white fruitless mulberry lol !! i hope that somebody has a source to get one !
  10. argulor

    New enclosure!!!

    this looks so great !!!!
  11. argulor

    is my chameleon dead?

    im sorry about his condition,, poor dude. i hope he can pass peacefully
  12. argulor

    pet stores

    im not sure if our caresheets for small animals and birds are right either honestly,,,, its pretty unfortunate
  13. argulor

    pet stores

    we have caresheets but theyre very very outdated and mostly incorrect. they say you can safely put two beardies together in one tank,,, so i dont trust them in general especially for the reptiles. we dont carry books about the animals unfortunately its all up to the employees to educate,,,,
  14. argulor

    pet stores

    so i talked to my manager more and we agreed that the concern with it all is that we probably dont provide the best uvb and so their skin wouldnt be able to produce it on its own,,, so we decided it would be best to keep the calcium with d3. still wish we could give customers an option though
  15. argulor

    pet stores

    i try my best to educate people as much as i can but we are only given around 15 minutes with a customer until we are rushed to do something else,,,
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