Drainage systems for all-screen enclosures?


New Member
I just upgraded my Jackson's to a DIY all-screen cage and I was curious if anyone had any photos they could show me of their drainage systems. :) I'm getting pretty tired of using cups at the bottom of the enclosure, would love to find some sort of tray I could place underneath, probably enclose the bottom in a screen to allow it to drain through.

Upon doing this, though, how do you guys keep your potted plants inside the terrarium?

Just a bit confused - thanks for any help!
There are a few types of driptrays available for sale at various websites. From there u can drill a hole and add tubing to leak into a bucket.
Pics coming later!

I have a Jackson's as well, and use an all-screen cage. Hopefully this will be some help to you...

If your cage has a plastic floor, just drill a few small holes in the middle for a drain.

Then, I got this (my cage is an 18x18x36 Reptibreeze, but they offer this tray in various sizes): Drip Tray

You have to modify it a bit, but it works great after that. Here is how I learned how to do that: Cage Drainage System by clarkrw3

I have also found that with them, since they are a flat surface, you have to angle it so that all water runs to the drain. I have set up my stand to lift the front side of the cage so there is no standing water in the tray, and it all drains into a plastic tube underneath via clear vinyl tubing.

I will get pics posted of my setup later on when my guy's light turns on, right now it is still dark in the house. Who knows, someday I may even do a video describing the rain system I have made, but I always end up putting it off for one reason or another.
This is how I did my DIY cage. It works great and only costs $50.


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I like the sunken pot as well but how does your drainage work where the lip of the pot is? I would assume the water dos not travel over it?
Thank you all for your input! I will definitely check out the drainage pans that are offered online, I barely even thought of that! I was thinking that it wasn't something that was manufactured.

I'll keep updated on what I choose to do! :)
I use a purchased water tray that comes as accessory to cage. At Lowes or HD but a drainpipe tailpiece and some plastic epoxy in glue section. Glue the ring onto bottom of the drain pan, let dry. drill a few small hole through pan in center of ring. Screw pipe onto ring and voila! a waterproof drainpipe.
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