Figured I'd make a blog for general things you will need when aquiring a Chameleon! Though keep in mind... different species of Chameleons can sometimes require different things... but this a general idea of what you are looking into.
You will need:
*Adult -24w-24d-48H/ Juvenile...
I did find the Mullberry tree the next day I went searching for it! Right down the road from my house. =]
Sadly.... My silks died because I forgot their light on....and you shouldn't leave the chow in there with them it collects bacteria very fast.
Day 1 (5/19/2011)
I received my first order of Silkworms from LadySilkworm. They all appeared to be healthy and thriving. I decided to take them out of the cup and place them in a 5 gallon aquarium with some leaves, their Mulberry Chow, and Bendable metal fencing. They are about a...