Blog entries by c2c

Yay They are eating. I fed them 5-7 silk worms this morning and they gobbled them up within 10-15 minutes. Lola the female ate 3 at a time (they were balled up) and Pascal the male ate 1 at a time. (I spread those out)
They arent eating yet but they are drinking lots of water. i am going to try the separate tank feeding meathod suggested by Amanda509. Now to get more vines from petsmart.
Looks like Lola and Pascal are settling in ok. I put a dubia in each of thier cups. we will see when i get home if they eat them or not
I think my female is pregnant. According to the breeder she was housed with the male. She does look a little bigger around the belly. We will see.
Yesterday I got my chameleons. A boy and girl, Pascal and Lola. Their cages were delivered last night and I made a feeding cup. I do not know if they ate today. I will find out when I get home later today
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