1st mantis hatch out of year

As I fed and watered everybody this morning, I discovered a case hatching out. I know my panther babies will like the added variety :p of freshly hatched mantis to there diet. Of all the chams I've observed, pygmy's seem to relish them the most.

Disclaimer: No mantis were harmed in the making of this post. ;)
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Will try to capture feeding on video, this weekend. Had a good number hatch out from that one case. I have 15 cases, make that 14 now, heating up. So I should start getting a hatch every few days. So I like my odds of getting something on video.
Are they ok to keep outside in my garage? I know you have to seperate them if you don't want them to canabalize each other. I just don't have the room inside for that many cup sized contaners. :)
Are they ok to keep outside in my garage? I know you have to seperate them if you don't want them to canabalize each other. I just don't have the room inside for that many cup sized contaners. :)
Depends on your garage temps. I keep them in my garage, and temps run 65 to 80 inside garage, this time of year. I do run a heater at night to keep temps from dropping below 60.
Yes.....we do need a video!

Thats uncanny....I was in Whole Foods yesterday morning in LA (El Segundo) and they were selling 2 Praying Mantis cases in these plastic cups. I didn't know much about them and I had a plane to catch so I didn't get any but next time I am down that way I am going to pick some up.
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