1 Year Old Veiled Cham Pics...

Cham Crazy

New Member
Hey everybody. I was wondering if a bunch of people could post pictures of their 1 year old veiled chameleons. Because I think my cham( 1 year and 2 months old) is a little small and would like to compare him with others. Thanks

-- 1.0 Veiled Chameleon
Chamcrazy, this will be pointless since a lizards growth depends on many factors, not exclusive to, but including, diet, amount fed, sex, health, environment etc.
You will have a better idea if your lizard is average by weighing it on an accurate scale.
I would suggest at around 1 yr an 'average' lizard might be weighing somewhere around 100 grams or more give or take. Again this is an guesstimate, and will depend on the many factors above. :)
Why not post a pic of your guy with something by which to guage size. Im sure its fine. :)
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