Dome fitting needed for my basking light??


New Member
Hey all I need a dome fitting for my basking light for when I get my new enclosure. Do any of you know where I can get one from.

I'm in the U.K btw. Thanks
Will it come with the wire for the actual bulb as well as the dome (reflector thing)

Go to Home Depot or Lowes and you'll find them in the aisle with the shop lights.
It will probably run you about $6 to $8.


Edit: I think your are in Great Britain (sorry to give you American stores to check ... local hardware or DIY store should have it.)
Mayn. You lot have these great stores like walmart and lowes. We have cruddy b&q and ikea and there pants lol.
we have like ikea homebase etc. Ill check them out but they are pants so terribly labled and hard to find things. Plus you walk the whole length of the store to find staff who don't know what your on about lol. Ha, yeah our pubs are great:)
Plus you walk the whole length of the store to find staff who don't know what your on about lol.

It's the same over here, man. Go to Home Depot and ask something simple like,"Where are your wood screws?" And you get some pimply faced kid who always has his mouth open go, "Uhhh. . ." *looks around for some help* "It's not my department. I dunno, see that guy? He'll show you." It's the same everywhere.
Yeah that's the one. "erm there should be a guy down there who will know go to isle 31" and you walk around for AGES. If you personally don't know what your looking for or where it is your screwed! Wasted journey..
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