Daytona expo?


New Member
Are any of you veiled breeders going to be at the show in Daytona, FL. I will be looking to purchase one male and two females from unrelated bloodlines. Look forward to the replies.:)
Mike from Fl Chams will be at that show. I purchased a male and female veiled from him in the past. They are very healthy and I have gotten various compliments on the pair. They are unrelated of course. His chams have always been awesome. Check posts from previous members that mention his veiled chams. :)
I will be attending the show I will have to tables up stairs come and check us out and we'll have plenty of Veilds
I'll be at the show, most likely helping Mike work his booth. I know he's planning on having lots of veileds there, so I'm sure he'll have a good selection of perfect animals.
There should be plenty of veilds to choose from that show is HUGE!!!
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I'll be at the show, most likely helping Mike work his booth. I know he's planning on having lots of veileds there, so I'm sure he'll have a good selection of perfect animals.


Hey, I'll be picking Tyler up from the airport, and if you need a ride to Daytona, you can ride "bitch" in the front seat. In fact there may be space on the balcony of our hotel room if you need somewhere to crash. I won't even charge you for gas, but you will have to go thirds on the room.
Hey, I'll be picking Tyler up from the airport, and if you need a ride to Daytona, you can ride "bitch" in the front seat. In fact there may be space on the balcony of our hotel room if you need somewhere to crash. I won't even charge you for gas, but you will have to go thirds on the room.

Yeah Since you dont have any where to stay and your calling your car a hotel, I offer you a place on my floor next to my bed of maybe the bathroom right next to the toilet. LOL See you there

P.S To everyone going send Mike @ Flchams a PM I heard he's buying everbody dinner. :D
Yeah Since you dont have any where to stay and your calling your car a hotel, I offer you a place on my floor next to my bed of maybe the bathroom right next to the toilet. LOL See you there

P.S To everyone going send Mike @ Flchams a PM I heard he's buying everbody dinner. :D

You must be confused with some of the hoes that refer to my escalade as the "hotel"

Anyway, I'd offer you a ride too, but "THE SHERIFF" is already riding bitch in the backseat.
You must be confused with some of the hoes that refer to my escalade as the "hotel"

Anyway, I'd offer you a ride too, but "THE SHERIFF" is already riding bitch in the backseat.

Jesus Mr. Jboysen your refering yourself to as riding bitch in your own car. Come on. Ok I feel bad for you now I'll even upgrade you for free to the couch in my suite. LOL:D
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I think it'd be funny if there was a cool Cham forum t-shirt with your screen name on it so we could say hi in person. Would that be sheik or Geek? :cool:
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