camel cricket


Established Member
guy came into my store today with 2 of these big enough for my cham; are they toxic, do i need to quarantine them, and for how long? these things have HUGE back legs so i figured i could rip em off but just want to make sure its safe first. all comments appreciated
I catch these in my house regularly and feed them to some of my animals with no problems. If you don't use pesticides or have any type of bug killer traps/poison in your house, I don't see what the problem would be.
I would certainly quarantine them for a while. I don't know how toxic they are, but we have quite a few of these in our basement, and there is a remote possibility they walked through something I don't want my cham to eat, like a cleaning agent. And I agree about removing the back legs. It's quite unnerving to have a camel cricket the size of the palm of my hand jump at me not away. I know their eyesight is poor at best, and they are pretty much harmless to humans, but it's still creepy.
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