why wont he eat crickets

hi guys i have a 8 month old male chameleon,i cannot seem to get him eating crickets,i have tried cup feeding and free roaming and all he does is walk away from them,i have been giving him mealworms,but i dont want to give him too many at a time,any advice on what else to give him/how to get him eating crickets would be much appreciated
many thanks
Try waiting few days, offer him no food, then try again.

he could be at the point where he doesn't need/want to eat every day.

He could be bored with crickets, so maybe order some roaches.

maybe you are dusting too heavily and he doesn't like the taste.

maybe he doesn't like you watching him.
hi guys i have a 8 month old male chameleon,i cannot seem to get him eating crickets,i have tried cup feeding and free roaming and all he does is walk away from them,i have been giving him mealworms,but i dont want to give him too many at a time,any advice on what else to give him/how to get him eating crickets would be much appreciated
many thanks

Try different feeders. i just recently purchased some silkworms and he loves them.. & he can eat alot of them.. you want to try to give him crunchy and soft food.. like crickets/superworms/mealworms (chitin crunchy food) or hornworms silkworms waxworms as soft foods. unless you already do that. and just trying to get him on crickets again. i do know once they hit they 7-9 month stage they eat less.. so in that case id buy bigger food. my boy barely eats crickets.
If you only give him crickets and mealworms he might be going on hunger strike. Chameleons get bored with food pretty easily. Ideally you should ofer him 5 different feeders. Silkworms, Hornworms, Butterworms are really nutritious, bright in color, so it will get his attention. These worms are also high in moisture, so perfect for dehydration and calcium, so you don't have to dust them and are also low in fat in comparison to superworms and mealworms, so can be offered on daily basis. Also try blue bottle fly, chameleons love anything that flies. Try different roaches such as Dubia, Hissing, Turkistan, Isopod, Green Banana Roach is bright green and chameleons love them. Other feeders to choose from, Praying Mantis, Stick Insect, Leaf Insect, Wax Worm Moth, Silkworm Moth and the list goes on, depending on the area you live. As mentioned above keep the balance between soft and chitin food. Good luck :)
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