What are some good enclosures?


New Member
I’ve found a chameleon rescue with a baby veiled chameleon that I was thinking about getting but I wanted to buy a cage to prepare for when it gets bigger. I’ve seen lots of different recommendations on websites but wanted to see what you guys think. (Never had a cham before so new to the tall enclosures)

What enclosures do you think are the best? I think mesh cages are cheaper than the vivs so I was thinking about one of those and read that they’re great for ventilation too but I’m fine to get a viv if needed.

Thanks in advance for any help, it will all be appreciated <3

The only one I’ve found so far that was really big is this one, would it be any good?


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Hi and welcome! The XL ReptiBreeze is a nice budget option…I have several. I prefer screen enclosures, especially for new keepers since they can be modified to be less open but without effecting ventilation. Many chose to cover at least the back and often sides too with insulating cling window film (applied in outside of enclosure), shower curtain, various faux panels, etc. The main reason would be maintaining proper humidity levels. I’m not sure all that’s available in the UK for enclosures. In the US, there is Dragon Strand, Tamura, Zen, etc.
Don’t be tempted to settle for a smaller enclosure. Although it seems baby will get lost in such a big space, it will very rapidly grow into an adult and actually make the enclosure seem small. Another good thing about ReptiBreeze is two can be placed side by side and with some minor modifications, can give your chameleon a double wide. I’ve done this for my males and they enjoy all of the space.
Now, there is a lot that you’ll need to know about what else you’ll need for setting up and keeping baby healthy and happy. The most up to date and accurate place for this is https://chameleonacademy.com/chameleon-husbandry-program-getting-started-with-chameleons/ If you are a visual learner, check out Neptune the chameleon on YouTube. She has a video for just about everything and always adding more.
Of course, always ask whatever questions you may have here and share your progress and journey. Very happy to have you here. 🥰
Hi and welcome! The XL ReptiBreeze is a nice budget option…I have several. I prefer screen enclosures, especially for new keepers since they can be modified to be less open but without effecting ventilation. Many chose to cover at least the back and often sides too with insulating cling window film (applied in outside of enclosure), shower curtain, various faux panels, etc. The main reason would be maintaining proper humidity levels. I’m not sure all that’s available in the UK for enclosures. In the US, there is Dragon Strand, Tamura, Zen, etc.
Don’t be tempted to settle for a smaller enclosure. Although it seems baby will get lost in such a big space, it will very rapidly grow into an adult and actually make the enclosure seem small. Another good thing about ReptiBreeze is two can be placed side by side and with some minor modifications, can give your chameleon a double wide. I’ve done this for my males and they enjoy all of the space.
Now, there is a lot that you’ll need to know about what else you’ll need for setting up and keeping baby healthy and happy. The most up to date and accurate place for this is https://chameleonacademy.com/chameleon-husbandry-program-getting-started-with-chameleons/ If you are a visual learner, check out Neptune the chameleon on YouTube. She has a video for just about everything and always adding more.
Of course, always ask whatever questions you may have here and share your progress and journey. Very happy to have you here. 🥰
Ooh I like the idea of placing 2 side by side! I'll look into the insulating stuff for humidity then and see what I can get. Thanks for all the help, I'll make sure to check the stuff out later too! I've wanted a chameleon since I was really young so it's been long in the making😂
Thank you! Yeah, I'll make sure to get everything correct so I don't end up wasting money, that would be a nightmare
I’ve found a chameleon rescue with a baby veiled chameleon that I was thinking about getting but I wanted to buy a cage to prepare for when it gets bigger. I’ve seen lots of different recommendations on websites but wanted to see what you guys think. (Never had a cham before so new to the tall enclosures)

What enclosures do you think are the best? I think mesh cages are cheaper than the vivs so I was thinking about one of those and read that they’re great for ventilation too but I’m fine to get a viv if needed.

Thanks in advance for any help, it will all be appreciated <3

The only one I’ve found so far that was really big is this one, would it be any good?
I have this enclosure, works great! With mesh side’s humidity gets challenging here where I live but we make adjustments when needed just like miss skittles recommended. Again, Just ensure it’s the XL model (at least 2ftx2ftx4ft)so it’s enough room for your little one to thrive, explore and grow. I too waited a long time, (30 yrs) before finally getting a cham earlier this year. I had kids to raise lol. Welcome to the forum your in great hands here with the experts!!
I have this enclosure, works great! With mesh side’s humidity gets challenging here where I live but we make adjustments when needed just like miss skittles recommended. Again, Just ensure it’s the XL model (at least 2ftx2ftx4ft)so it’s enough room for your little one to thrive, explore and grow. I too waited a long time, (30 yrs) before finally getting a cham earlier this year. I had kids to raise lol. Welcome to the forum your in great hands here with the experts!!
Aww great! And thank you! It's great to be able to get whichever pets I'm able to rather than going through my parents to do everything. This is probably one of the nicest animal forums I've been in that doesn't immediately jump to criticize everyone! What kind of cham did you get?
Aww great! And thank you! It's great to be able to get whichever pets I'm able to rather than going through my parents to do everything. This is probably one of the nicest animal forums I've been in that doesn't immediately jump to criticize everyone! What kind of cham did you get?
I chose the panther due to color inspiration and they accept handling a little better. Haha but I find myself admiring and getting laughter from veiled’s also. They are such cuties!! You won’t be disappointed with any I’m sure, they are hard not to love!! Here’s a pic of my guy attached( he is 8mos old we got him at 3 mos)💙. I just want to add, husbandry overall is critical for their survival so stay close to this forum, ask a lot of questions and review old posts, and check out chameleon academy. You will be glad you did🥰


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I chose the panther due to color inspiration and they accept handling a little better. Haha but I find myself admiring and getting laughter from veiled’s also. They are such cuties!! You won’t be disappointed with any I’m sure, they are hard not to love!! Here’s a pic of my guy attached( he is 8mos old we got him at 3 mos)💙. I just want to add, husbandry overall is critical for their survival so stay close to this forum, ask a lot of questions and review old posts, and check out chameleon academy. You will be glad you did🥰
He's GORGEOUS! Once I get a cage I plan to post it here to see if everything is okay and I'll keep an eye on the advice for new owners and stuff. They look like they're very sensitive animals but apparently veiled's are a bit more hardy so it'll help to know it won't die if something goes a bit wrong my first time around! The part I find the most confusing is just the bulbs so I'll probably be checking in with those later too, I have 3 white tree frogs too and when I was setting up their tank with bulbs I was stuck for ages trying to figure out what I needed. My local vet which is 5/10 mins away also takes chameleons luckily so if anything goes wrong with it I should be able to find help quickly. I can't wait to get one later, I'm also just about to go to a reptile shop to look around for the supplies!☺️
I don't think one easier than other. All chameleon have needs. If you don't setup right going to have problems veiled or panther. They all get sick if not properly setup up. You get the one you like the most. Research before you buy and your all good.
I don't think one easier than other. All chameleon have needs. If you don't setup right going to have problems veiled or panther. They all get sick if not properly setup up. You get the one you like the most. Research before you buy and your all good.
Yeah, I've got the cage down, which branches to get, live plants and I think I read which bulbs to get from the Chameleon subreddit but I'll see what's available at the shop and if not I'll look online for stuff. I'd love a jacksons/panther but I don't have many near me to buy and they're very pricey so I'm still thinking about which one I'll definitely get, the rescue still hasn't sent me photos of the veiled so I'm waiting on those and I'll see how I like the lil thing. I've already decided I'd rather have a male to get rid of the stress of the eggs and everything that comes with that, plus google said the females live shorter lives so it would be nice to have one that lives longer.
The part I find the most confusing is just the bulbs
This is perhaps the simplest and most standard of things, or at least uvb is. The best and current standard is a linear T5HO fixture with either Arcadia 6% or ReptiSun 5.0 Both are approximately the same price, but I’m partial to Arcadia as several can be daisy chained together. Luckily I procrastinate closing browser windows and can give you this link. https://www.reptiles.swelluk.com/arcadia-prot5-kit-forest-6 For basking you’ll want a dome fixture capable of handling whatever watt bulbs you’ll be using. Avoid colored lights, mercury vapor and LED. If you can get old fashioned incandescent bulbs, those are perfect. Halogen work well also. As you will want baby’s basking temp to remain no higher than 78-80F, start with a 60w.
This is perhaps the simplest and most standard of things, or at least uvb is. The best and current standard is a linear T5HO fixture with either Arcadia 6% or ReptiSun 5.0 Both are approximately the same price, but I’m partial to Arcadia as several can be daisy chained together. Luckily I procrastinate closing browser windows and can give you this link. https://www.reptiles.swelluk.com/arcadia-prot5-kit-forest-6 For basking you’ll want a dome fixture capable of handling whatever watt bulbs you’ll be using. Avoid colored lights, mercury vapor and LED. If you can get old fashioned incandescent bulbs, those are perfect. Halogen work well also. As you will want baby’s basking temp to remain no higher than 78-80F, start with a 60w.
Oh nice thanks! Swell reptiles is my main place for reptile equipment too. I think what confuses me is just all the different names that get thrown around and all the different watts you can get. And sorry if it's a stupid question but do those long ones just attach to the top of the cage? And for the basking lamp would I need that thing that lifts it up from the top of the cage so a cham won't burn itself? I can't remember what they're called though, sorry. Is an Arcadia/Exo terra basking light alright for heat? https://www.reptiles.swelluk.com/exo-terra-sun-glo-daylight-basking-light - This is the one I have for my frogs currently but the Arcadia ones seem to be cheaper so I don't know if the quality is different or something or if Exo terra is just more expensive.

I hope these aren't too many questions, everytime I think about it more I just have more to ask😣
The lights are best to be on top of the enclosure and since little chams do walk upside down on the top, it is recommended to elevate them. You uvb light will need to be long enough to span the width of your enclosure, so 24” with the ReptiBreeze XL. That looks like a decent basking light. I’m really not sure if one company basking light is any better than the others. I’ve tried several different brands and all have had bulbs that blew almost as soon as it was turned on and bulbs that seemed to last forever.
The lights are best to be on top of the enclosure and since little chams do walk upside down on the top, it is recommended to elevate them. You uvb light will need to be long enough to span the width of your enclosure, so 24” with the ReptiBreeze XL. That looks like a decent basking light. I’m really not sure if one company basking light is any better than the others. I’ve tried several different brands and all have had bulbs that blew almost as soon as it was turned on and bulbs that seemed to last forever.
I see! The only lights I've tried is Exo Terra and haven't had any blow before luckily. That makes me feel way better about all the lights, thanks!
I’m starting to look at plants for this mesh enclosure now and wondering what types you guys think is best? I’m really good at killing plants so ones that aren’t very hard to look after would be best for me 😅

R.I.P my little succulent plant
Hello! If cost isn’t an issue I highly recommend Tamura! My zen cage I started out with was terrible. It didn’t have any way to mount things inside, it leaked from every corner when I misted, and was terrible for drainage. When you build the Tamura cage every corner is sealed with silicone to prevent leaking. It also already has a drain so the water doesn’t just sit in the bottom of the cage. It comes with mounts for plants, sticks, etc. And also has holes for mounting your mister on the top. I could go on and on lol. But it’s definitively an investment, and one of the more expensive enclosures I’ve seen.
I’m starting to look at plants for this mesh enclosure now and wondering what types you guys think is best? I’m really good at killing plants so ones that aren’t very hard to look after would be best for me 😅

R.I.P my little succulent plant
Pothos, philodendron and wandering Jew are all great plants and require minimal care to thrive. Philodendron isn’t on most safe lists, but it’s ‘bad’ properties are having calcium-binding oxalates - same as pothos. With these three you can get away with not having a special grow light. For improved growth of those and the ability to have more interesting variety of plants, I’d suggest getting a plant light. Some plants such as those which are more tropical sun-lovers (hibiscus, palms, etc) will need a very strong light such as a Sansi 70w https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07TKKG8Q...colid=YGZXZO8I4P2G&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it or Arcadia Jungle Dawn. For other plants a good option would be something like these. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BRKG7X..._1_5&amp&crid=3DLLVMFW4P04N&amp&sprefix=sansi https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00AKKULI6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
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