weight of calci-worms?


Avid Member
is there anyone out there who has calci-worms, aka black soldier fly larva(hermetia illucens) on hand, that could weigh them and tell me approximately how much they weigh or approx how many are in a gram ? thank you
I cant tell you how much they weigh but if you want to make sure if they are big enough you can breed them and they will be bigger than those offered commercially
still wondering

please, nobody's got any bsf larva they will weigh for me? i guess i will have to go buy some
I've got some and they are tiny.... I ordered medium ones and they areabout the same size as my finger nail.
As for the weighing, 1 wont show up on my scale :eek:
I've got some and they are tiny.... I ordered medium ones and they areabout the same size as my finger nail.
As for the weighing, 1 wont show up on my scale :eek:
maybe not, but can you tell me approx how many are in a gram? thank you
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